Profile of cricri

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Maj by Nicolas Bosch Dit Bo… on 11/09/17 13:56. 17 33059 Here by Nicolas Bosch Dit Bo… on 09/10/17 16:14.
Transfer my account by guest_1444748313073 on 15/11/15 23:30. 4 13848 Here by Juggernaut Jugular on 25/09/17 11:36.
Game Freezing! by AFC Millwall on 15/09/17 10:17. 10 25174 Here by Ashley Longthorn on 25/09/17 20:53.
Lineout Order by Balboa Bruisers on 06/09/17 01:41. 10 29864 Here by Vuvuzelas on 17/09/17 23:20.
Combat amical impossible by ΛŻΣŇǾŘ on 08/09/17 16:59. 5 3182 Here by ΛŻΣŇǾŘ on 15/09/17 18:42.
@SweetNitro by Pro Try on 08/07/17 14:48. 4 19752 Here by Pro Try on 13/07/17 00:39.
Plusieurs chefs by Guest DQ86X6 on 14/06/17 09:12. 4 14178 Here by cricri on 22/06/17 11:52.
New Special Offer: Championship and Stars by Phalanx : Damage Inc… on 13/05/17 16:59. 16 27333 Here by Lynn Walford on 03/06/17 15:27.
BLESSURES EN TOURNOI ET EN CHAMPIONNAT by Patrick van Labeke on 18/05/17 13:36. 11 25826 Here by aاAاGuest GCGZ9A on 27/08/17 02:48.
Patch 6.5 by Pro Try on 14/05/17 15:44. 4 18622 Here by Pro Try on 19/05/17 19:59.
Récompenses by Guest F7A6RL on 16/05/17 17:17. 3 15930 Here by cricri on 19/05/17 14:08.
Probleme de récompense by Guest FGKVVA on 08/05/17 11:29. 7 16569 Here by Guest FGKVVA on 26/05/17 00:50.
Achievments by JLF123 on 07/05/17 11:34. 11 26319 Here by Lynn Walford on 15/05/17 21:33.
Plus accès au réglage "supporter de la guilde" pour recruter... by MHR-L'Aveyronnais on 04/05/17 13:16. 4 16862 Here by Ludo Lelaurain on 06/05/17 09:42.
Game finished a draw but I lost in Tournament. by Mark Warren on 17/04/17 01:23. 2 10441 Here by cricri on 21/04/17 10:59.
Bug depuis la nouvelle MAJ sur la page " match d'entraînemen... by Casque à pointe 83 on 10/03/17 15:08. 14 32419 Here by Guest FEY8X8 on 16/05/17 13:07.
Jeu en bord de touche by YukuLouLou on 03/03/17 14:03. 5 20128 Here by Daball on 10/03/17 19:27.
Problème pour défi by Raph Lauren on 22/02/17 16:49. 4 20874 Here by Renaud Ginies on 21/03/17 21:50.
Conflit by Aviron Bayonnais Lib… on 26/02/17 14:18. 5 23989 Here by ASSA Rugby on 02/03/17 18:58.
Level 23 stadium by Cimla on 21/02/17 00:22. 16 24951 Here by Waspy Tiger on 14/03/17 09:39.