Mark Rowbottom :
Oh right - so because i happen to disagree with you, i simply MUST be a buddy of this player you reference, and this is the only reason i come 'rushing' to his aid. I guess no one else reading this forum can have a mind and opinion of their own...right?
The problem with making such assumptions is, as the phrase says, that it makes an ass out of you. Not me in this instance.
What is amusing to me, and the reason for my interjection, is that is saying on the one hand that you respect someone who does throw money at the game, but because someone else has the audacity to throw more at it, that makes them a target of your banal and irrelevant vitriol.
I would guess (not assume as you so clearly like to do) that almost all of the top players throw money at the game, and there is likely a core of up and coming players who want to achieve infamy in this game who are also doing it - as realistically that is the only way to get to the heady heights that these guys achieve. But that is their prerogative. Whatever their reason or motivation. Would i do it? No. But thats my call for my reasons - but it also doesnt give me the right to castigate and bitch about those that do.
Maybe when you get to the top of the game, as is your apparent intent, you can start with the mockery and the flaming. Until then though, my suggestion is you remember you are as irrelevant to Mr Cowboys4Life (and im a Redskins fan so have no love whatsoever for the Cowpats!) as you seem to think he is without his debit card. But then i also suspect youd be irrelevant to him if you did use it also.
You may be laughing at me for my input....thats fine....just be very aware im also laughing at you and your really quite pathetic efforts to decry Mr Cowboys4Life. I suspect im not the only one either.
Bye bye.
Ron Swanson :
I would agree that a lot of the top players spend some cash, I got no problem with them. That is a part of the game. Cowboys4Life spends a lot more than a "some" cash. When I reach the top maybe I will fill in some holes with paypal players, not saying I won't. Very few of the top players spend like he does, and very few of the top players run their mouth like he does. I look over a lot of the top players teams and watch their games trying to figure out what I need to do with my little old level 26 team. I got MAD respect for Killer Clouds, look over his team, not lot of spending going on there. Not sure who you are in the game Mark, my guess is you are one of Cowboys4Life's buddies from the Bar. Don't mistake my calling him out as sulking or jealous in any way. I sure as hell am not whining, just pointing out the obvious. You rushing to his assistance makes it all the more hilarious to me.
Mark Rowbottom :
Sounds like someone is sulking because he doesn't have the ability to do what pretty much all of the top players do, which is spend money on the game. What a peasant. Don't hate him cause you aint him....if he has the capacity to do it, fair play to him....money talks in pretty much every aspect of life....games included. So here are your toys back, they seem to have come out of your pram. Shut up and quit whining fella.
Sounds like someone is sulking because he doesn't have the ability to do what pretty much all of the top players do, which is spend money on the game. What a peasant. Don't hate him cause you aint him....if he has the capacity to do it, fair play to him....money talks in pretty much every aspect of life....games included. So here are your toys back, they seem to have come out of your pram. Shut up and quit whining fella.
I would agree that a lot of the top players spend some cash, I got no problem with them. That is a part of the game. Cowboys4Life spends a lot more than a "some" cash. When I reach the top maybe I will fill in some holes with paypal players, not saying I won't. Very few of the top players spend like he does, and very few of the top players run their mouth like he does. I look over a lot of the top players teams and watch their games trying to figure out what I need to do with my little old level 26 team. I got MAD respect for Killer Clouds, look over his team, not lot of spending going on there. Not sure who you are in the game Mark, my guess is you are one of Cowboys4Life's buddies from the Bar. Don't mistake my calling him out as sulking or jealous in any way. I sure as hell am not whining, just pointing out the obvious. You rushing to his assistance makes it all the more hilarious to me.
Oh right - so because i happen to disagree with you, i simply MUST be a buddy of this player you reference, and this is the only reason i come 'rushing' to his aid. I guess no one else reading this forum can have a mind and opinion of their own...right?
The problem with making such assumptions is, as the phrase says, that it makes an ass out of you. Not me in this instance.
What is amusing to me, and the reason for my interjection, is that is saying on the one hand that you respect someone who does throw money at the game, but because someone else has the audacity to throw more at it, that makes them a target of your banal and irrelevant vitriol.
I would guess (not assume as you so clearly like to do) that almost all of the top players throw money at the game, and there is likely a core of up and coming players who want to achieve infamy in this game who are also doing it - as realistically that is the only way to get to the heady heights that these guys achieve. But that is their prerogative. Whatever their reason or motivation. Would i do it? No. But thats my call for my reasons - but it also doesnt give me the right to castigate and bitch about those that do.
Maybe when you get to the top of the game, as is your apparent intent, you can start with the mockery and the flaming. Until then though, my suggestion is you remember you are as irrelevant to Mr Cowboys4Life (and im a Redskins fan so have no love whatsoever for the Cowpats!) as you seem to think he is without his debit card. But then i also suspect youd be irrelevant to him if you did use it also.
You may be laughing at me for my input....thats fine....just be very aware im also laughing at you and your really quite pathetic efforts to decry Mr Cowboys4Life. I suspect im not the only one either.
Bye bye.
I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better argument than that Mark. Let start with the fact that you talk out of both sides of your mouth. You are telling me I shouldn't make assumptions when I agreed with the assumption you had originally made? "Sounds like someone is sulking because he doesn't have the ability to do what pretty much all of the top players do, which is spend money on the game." Or is it just because I assumed you were with the Bar? Oh no, Mark has bested me. I better tuck my tail between my legs and cower from this tough guy who doesn't even have the intestinal fortitude to let everyone know who he is in game. You want to talk about pathetic? You sir are looking quite pathetic yourself.