Profile of Counties

Meet Counties on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by Counties

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Flagging inactive gvg teams by Counties on 03/06/16 04:02. 1 16156 Here by EOTM on 03/06/16 05:32.

Latest threads replied by Counties

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The 140 k club MB queens by Caernarfon RFC on 24/07/16 17:29. 49 48061 Here by Counties on 05/09/16 00:19.
155 by guest_1444399862609 on 11/08/16 07:16. 3 16900 Here by Counties on 16/08/16 23:56.
Trouble makers by Bulldøg on 12/05/16 16:07. 42 55950 Here by Backwell on 21/10/16 12:36.
SA Inglorious Bastards - kicked members by dingleberrie on 25/05/16 21:54. 5 17308 Here by Counties on 22/06/16 15:24.
Flagging inactive gvg teams by Counties on 03/06/16 04:02. 1 16156 Here by EOTM on 03/06/16 05:32.
Suspension from GvG for non active guilds by Waspy Waspy on 08/05/16 15:29. 13 25945 Here by Waspy Waspy on 22/05/16 10:16.