Nr 9

11/04/16 03:34
For several days there have not been anymore nr 9s in the recruitment pool.
11/04/16 06:56
I'm trying to sell one and there's currently no bids. Help yourself..
11/04/16 09:37
Several days? Hardly seen any in 5 seasons!
12/04/16 10:33
As you know Waspy, you can only get access to yours on sale if at same level.
12/04/16 10:58
.Leicester Tigers. :

As you know Waspy, you can only get access to yours on sale if at same level.

Indeed. I did actually find one earlier this season - much lower points than I wanted, but young and with decent training speed. He'll be just about there when my flanker who's been playing 9 for the last 5 seasons retires at the end of next season. There was another one available at the same time, exactly what I really wanted but far too expensive. Doubt I would've got the one I did otherwise, most people were bidding on the good one.