About (Play a Match)

05/01/17 08:58
firstly,sorry if this question inconvenient you but i want to ask...what is use of (Play a Match).
what I see is we only scramble each other to get the best place and what is the benefit?
is that any reward or something if we get the top ranking?...i just play for couple of month and I don't know much about the new (Play a Match) gameplay
Hope you can explained to me ..Thank you
05/01/17 14:03
Basically you get 5 games a day you try to beat whoever you think you can take on your map your reward is 1000 fans per win ( you will only get the fans if you win)and you take there place in the ranking system. so for example say I'm ranked 100 on the game and I see the 78th best guy on the game and I play him on the world map in play match and win I then take his 78 worldwide ranking and get and extra 1000 fand unless my fanbase is already maxed out you will also receive money per win you get but it's not much it's good if you've just started out but it's not much if your advanced in the game.
07/01/17 16:47
For someone who played more than 5 training games a day quite often, im losing out in this new format for the games. . Not in fans and not bothered about the money earned but the training boost acquired for playing these games. . A little boost for every game made a difference over the season and over a players career would be huge. . . . The more training games you played the better your players got, more time spent in game nice reward.