super spene :
nope, more like a boxer winning rounds 1 to 11 despite the other boxer on steriods. then in the last round some basterd in the crowd shoots the boxer with a tranquilizer and the boxer drops flat in the corner. the other then runs around all rocky style while the crowd applauds the massive victory...
Tolgate Seconds :
There will always be a * there though. It is like the undefeated boxer who gets knocked out, only for his opponent to fail a drug test and the result turned to a no contest. Yes, the '0' is back, but everyone knows it is not the same anymore...
There will always be a * there though. It is like the undefeated boxer who gets knocked out, only for his opponent to fail a drug test and the result turned to a no contest. Yes, the '0' is back, but everyone knows it is not the same anymore...
nope, more like a boxer winning rounds 1 to 11 despite the other boxer on steriods. then in the last round some basterd in the crowd shoots the boxer with a tranquilizer and the boxer drops flat in the corner. the other then runs around all rocky style while the crowd applauds the massive victory...
A win, is a win, is a win... no matter how it came, the undefeated streak is no more, and like in boxing, no matter how you try and what you do after the event, the '0' will not return...