Some Clarification on the "Cheats" Thread

21/06/20 15:46
Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Is this a serious request to put this into a workable truce agreement in which all damage people will also agree?
Is this as important to you as the other bits that I listed?

Can I also please ask who is currently managing Damage Royal account?

You’ve said that you have given up your main team. And last I knew Damage Royal was a multiple manager team.
Although this may have changed.

21/06/20 15:50
Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Is this a serious request to put this into a workable truce agreement in which all damage people will also agree?
Is this as important to you as the other bits that I listed?

Can I also please ask who is currently managing Damage Royal account?

You’ve said that you have given up your main team. And last I knew Damage Royal was a multiple manager team.
Although this may have changed.

Yeah sorry, I edited my last comment.

This is what I added:

"Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially."

So yes, I think it definitely is a serious request to broker a truce. If you can get Cagnan onside, I probably shouldn't speak with 100% certainty on behalf of Damage, but I am VERY confident Damage would sign up to it. It's what we have been gunning for for many seasons now.

We'd have to decide what is classed as cheating though - as the terms and conditions are clear and we are all fucked if we go by those.
21/06/20 15:50
Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.

For everyone’s understanding there is no alliance talk between myself and Cagnan. I talk to him occasionally as I do many other guilds and teams. I don’t have an influence in his guild and I cannot speak for him in any truce agreement.

So let’s not go of at a tangent on this rumour.
21/06/20 15:57
Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.

For everyone’s understanding there is no alliance talk between myself and Cagnan. I talk to him occasionally as I do many other guilds and teams. I don’t have an influence in his guild and I cannot speak for him in any truce agreement.

So let’s not go of at a tangent on this rumour.

You reached out to him for an alliance I mean. I'm not saying your approaches were successful, I'm just saying that this makes you a good person to broker an agreement as he was, in part, at least slightly favourable to your advances.

I am being serious by the way. A truce to stop all forms of cheating (to be defined) with Cagnan signed up is 100% what Damage wants.
21/06/20 16:01
Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.

For everyone’s understanding there is no alliance talk between myself and Cagnan. I talk to him occasionally as I do many other guilds and teams. I don’t have an influence in his guild and I cannot speak for him in any truce agreement.

So let’s not go of at a tangent on this rumour.

You reached out to him for an alliance I mean. I'm not saying your approaches were successful, I'm just saying that this makes you a good person to broker an agreement as he was, in part, at least slightly favourable to your advances.

I am being serious by the way. A truce to stop all forms of cheating (to be defined) with Cagnan signed up is 100% what Damage wants.

This is factual incorrect.
There is no offer of an alliance/merger.
21/06/20 16:04
Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.

For everyone’s understanding there is no alliance talk between myself and Cagnan. I talk to him occasionally as I do many other guilds and teams. I don’t have an influence in his guild and I cannot speak for him in any truce agreement.

So let’s not go of at a tangent on this rumour.

You reached out to him for an alliance I mean. I'm not saying your approaches were successful, I'm just saying that this makes you a good person to broker an agreement as he was, in part, at least slightly favourable to your advances.

I am being serious by the way. A truce to stop all forms of cheating (to be defined) with Cagnan signed up is 100% what Damage wants.

This is factual incorrect.
There is no offer of an alliance/merger.

Okay we are splitting hairs here. The word you used was 'help' - i.e. Can we help Cag?

The point is - would you be willing to get him signed up or not? I'm being deadly serious Mic.
21/06/20 16:15
Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.

For everyone’s understanding there is no alliance talk between myself and Cagnan. I talk to him occasionally as I do many other guilds and teams. I don’t have an influence in his guild and I cannot speak for him in any truce agreement.

So let’s not go of at a tangent on this rumour.

You reached out to him for an alliance I mean. I'm not saying your approaches were successful, I'm just saying that this makes you a good person to broker an agreement as he was, in part, at least slightly favourable to your advances.

I am being serious by the way. A truce to stop all forms of cheating (to be defined) with Cagnan signed up is 100% what Damage wants.

This is factual incorrect.
There is no offer of an alliance/merger.

Okay we are splitting hairs here. The word you used was 'help' - i.e. Can we help Cag?

The point is - would you be willing to get him signed up or not? I'm being deadly serious Mic.

Help us very different from alliance!!!
If you read part of a conversation, maybe check the rest of it too.

If all of Damage and Omega are in agreement to a pact as defined here,
That I’m also winning to sign up to, I can send it to others to get more guild aware.

However, as you appear to have sight of my one to one conversation with him, maybe you have a better input than me.

I just talk to the guy, I can offer you that as help!

Maybe the first step is for you and your alliances, friends, to draft up an amendment to the proposal on that we can agree with and then it can be sent to others for inclusion.

If you are unable to do this, please refer to your management. Better known as Phalanx.
21/06/20 16:22
Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Damage Royal :

Mic's Mob :

Gregory K. Ishii :

Hypocrites are hypocrites mate.... It's useless trying to shove it up their arses if they keep carrying on what they're doing and then resisting...

An interesting perspective from what I am assuming to be a natural perspective. How would you adjust the offer of peace agreement?

I’m happy to sign up to a pact that will stop any cheating from any guild. and was hoping to the same from others.

So you'd be willing to delete your multiple accounts and kick anyone from your guilds that have ever signed into another account or currently manage another person's account - and exclude yourself and them from the game?

Also you'd have to get Cagnan to sign up to any pact to stop any form of cheating. You approached him for an alliance so you'd be the ideal person to broker the truce talks with him. I'd support you in that personally and would most definitely speak to Damage to get some sort of accord going if all the guilds would sign up.

But then we have the problem of the breached terms and conditions of the game. We'd all essentially be banned anyway apart from an isolated few and the game would collapse financially.

For everyone’s understanding there is no alliance talk between myself and Cagnan. I talk to him occasionally as I do many other guilds and teams. I don’t have an influence in his guild and I cannot speak for him in any truce agreement.

So let’s not go of at a tangent on this rumour.

You reached out to him for an alliance I mean. I'm not saying your approaches were successful, I'm just saying that this makes you a good person to broker an agreement as he was, in part, at least slightly favourable to your advances.

I am being serious by the way. A truce to stop all forms of cheating (to be defined) with Cagnan signed up is 100% what Damage wants.

This is factual incorrect.
There is no offer of an alliance/merger.

Okay we are splitting hairs here. The word you used was 'help' - i.e. Can we help Cag?

The point is - would you be willing to get him signed up or not? I'm being deadly serious Mic.

Help us very different from alliance!!!
If you read part of a conversation, maybe check the rest of it too.

If all of Damage and Omega are in agreement to a pact as defined here,
That I’m also winning to sign up to, I can send it to others to get more guild aware.

However, as you appear to have sight of my one to one conversation with him, maybe you have a better input than me.

I just talk to the guy, I can offer you that as help!

Maybe the first step is for you and your alliances, friends, to draft up an amendment to the proposal on that we can agree with and then it can be sent to others for inclusion.

If you are unable to do this, please refer to your management. Better known as Phalanx.

I genuinely think the first step is approaching Cagnan. He won't deal with anyone in Damage or Omega, that's been made patently clear. I have friends in Cag, but Cagnan isn't one of them and he controls everything in the guild so he is the one you have to get to agree.

If you wanted to define what you feel fell under the category of 'cheating' in the meantime, that's something we can all thrash out openly here.

Without Cagnan at least agreeing in principle to a truce though, it's a pointless exercise really as Damage has already stopped any match-fixing and refunds. They've never done the RP bug and it is extremely unlikely they ever will.

I really think that if you focused your efforts on Cagnan, then that would be a huge boon for the game. It would be hugely appreciated Mic.
21/06/20 16:42
Thank you for your feedback.
Again Damage Royal, can you clarify if that’s the original owner, one of the 3 people managing the team when I was in Damage or someone else?

You didn’t answer this earlier.
21/06/20 16:48
Mic's Mob :

Ok. I’ll offer a hand of peace (not friendship) to everyone at Damage or friends of Damage on the following.
No more lies, no more cheating, no more corruption of a game that I and many other here enjoy.
No more criticising of other guilds on this open forum.
No more abusive language to anyone in our community.
No more match fixings, (we take this from tomorrow and then forgive those today)

Instead please post an apology and full admission for all the above that has happened in the past and supported by all friends, associated of Damage, whether currently in the guild or in Omega.

Then let’s clean up this game not by empty threads in this forum praising ourselves.
But just quietly setting clear moral standards in our own guilds, and following them.

In short, let’s all just be good people, then there is no war.

So going back ....
This is something that I would be fully willing tk sign up to to make this game fairer.
I’m perfectly happy to ask others that I’m in contact with.
Is there any team or guild also willing to sign up for this?

Is they any amendments?
I believe LC requested a relaxation on the language rule. ;D