How can we recruit new players

24/07/24 21:53
Good evening sweet nitro!! Hope goes well i was wondering would it not be possible to help newcomer maybe start on level 20 buildings or just even reduce there time? I get the idea newcomers lost interest in the game because it takes then to long to build and upgrade buildings.

24/07/24 22:00
24/07/24 22:01
guest_1454853917196 :

Good evening sweet nitro!! Hope goes well i was wondering would it not be possible to help newcomer maybe start on level 20 buildings or just even reduce there time? I get the idea newcomers lost interest in the game because it takes then to long to build and upgrade buildings.

Great idea Morné. The game needs to keep recruiting new members. It’s the only way to grow the game, but we need to keep them interested when they join. Make it easier for them when they initially join. Start them on level 20 buildings and reduce the build time.

24/07/24 23:28
Brilliant idea Mornè, it gets my vote.
25/07/24 00:32
I support this idea, The game has changed. Shorter timeframes for upgrades and reduced prices until level 20 will definitely keep smaller teams invested in my opinion.

Cheers, Joe.
26/07/24 12:00
Obviously a great idea, not just to get new players playing but also to give them some sort of change from the off.
26/07/24 18:29
While guilds like valle de close (player Gargas as an example) keep rigging championship matches to avoid promotion and win the cup for visa players, the game will continue to die. I quit a month or so ago, just checked into the game and I see in my championship, another long time player Stellander, quit.

Newbies are going to lose interest if they stand no chance in a cup because their opponents should be many levels higher than they are. Been going on for ages, Nitro know, but won’t upset the french and stop it.

The game is dying, yet players keep feeding Nitro money. More fool them.

Vote with your feet. Stop spending until they sort the french cheats out.
26/07/24 18:47
15inches :

Good evening sweet nitro!! Hope goes well i was wondering would it not be possible to help newcomer maybe start on level 20 buildings or just even reduce there time? I get the idea newcomers lost interest in the game because it takes then to long to build and upgrade buildings.


Hey 15, you make a good point, there are a lot who get bored waiting so long for buildings to take so long!

26/07/24 18:53
Also why are my player costs £19.99
26/07/24 18:59
The cost is to pricey, £19.99. This is daylight robbery