Debate for MB

01/03/16 22:01
Tolgate 23/7 :

I think it is as simple as wiping a zero off. A full match bonus improves a team by 10% not 100%; I would even be happy with 20%.

That's all that's needed. Nothing really wrong with the idea, just the size of the effect.
02/03/16 03:44
Simon_Stevens :

"fada623" :

Hello everyone,

We have in the idea to make a change at the level of match bonuses.

If you have ideas, thank you to develop them on this topic.

Thank you to provide a healthy and constructive debate.

Best Regard,


There is lots of talk around match bonuses and initially I was in favour of keeping it but now I want to see it removed from league matches and tournaments! Last season I was in the top level championship, level 13, and soon realized most teams were playing with a hefty bonus as I was getting trashed by teams that I would easily beat in friendlies with the same tactics.

I decided to not to waste my cash and use it for upgrading and accepted that I wouldn't get promoted hoping that when the new season starts I would be more competitive. Today was the 1st match of new season, what happens I got thrashed 42-0 and I played with a 30% match bonus!

This game is no longer about skill and tactics it is about who is stupid enough to play 100% MB.

I still believe that the MB should be retained for guild challenges if there is no reform in matching guilds against each other i.e. selecting guilds of similar star ratings. That would make the guild challenges more interesting and competitive. If reform of GvG happens then there is no place for MB at all.

I am now thinking along the lines of last season and accept defeat but get loads of cash, the alternative is to accept the inevitable and leave the game. I don't want to leave as the chat with other guild members is great and on the forum as well but ultimately the game is about pitting wits against each other and seeing who comes out on top but MB is really screwing this up!

Please can we have some time scales on when a decision is going to be made!

Match bonus in championships is getting out of have no option but to use it to be competitive. Its getting on my nerves too.
02/03/16 08:06
Waspy Tiger :

"Tolgate 23/7" :

I think it is as simple as wiping a zero off. A full match bonus improves a team by 10% not 100%; I would even be happy with 20%.

That's all that's needed. Nothing really wrong with the idea, just the size of the effect.

So it is about the size and not how you use it after all?

02/03/16 08:13
People go on about the hard work put in by the top teams. Lower teams put in hard work too.

Seems to me that those crying loudest are those with the deepest pockets.

Match bonus is another variable - live with it. It is available to everyone both 'rich and poor'.
02/03/16 09:52
.Leicester Tigers. :

People go on about the hard work put in by the top teams. Lower teams put in hard work too.

Seems to me that those crying loudest are those with the deepest pockets.

Match bonus is another variable - live with it. It is available to everyone both 'rich and poor'.

Completely wrong - it's the big boys that use it most in my experience - they've nothing else to use the money on, and they use it to prevent an upset and prevent people who have invested a lot of time into developing superior tactics from getting the results they deserve. It's a cheat's charter.
02/03/16 12:08
Waspy Tiger :

".Leicester Tigers." :

People go on about the hard work put in by the top teams. Lower teams put in hard work too.

Seems to me that those crying loudest are those with the deepest pockets.

Match bonus is another variable - live with it. It is available to everyone both 'rich and poor'.

Completely wrong - it's the big boys that use it most in my experience - they've nothing else to use the money on, and they use it to prevent an upset and prevent people who have invested a lot of time into developing superior tactics from getting the results they deserve. It's a cheat's charter.

Not completely wrong waspy. Many lower level players use it to stand a chance and it costs them far less or rather costs them proportionate to their level and player base.

Do away with it then fine but no matter how good your strategy, if you progress to the higher levels you will not compete with the coiners unless you spend yourself. Just look at the availability of players to buy at level 14.
02/03/16 14:35
Just get rid of it, simple as that. Admin read ideas posts.... It's already been discussed. You are 2months late to the part and people have already quit the game because of the joke that is match bonus.

Get rid of match bonus, limit subs, and add some more levels to stadiums. And do it quickly please admin, this issue has been since day one of the game..... Does it really take this long for you to notice that your customers are unhappy? Frankly the admin and support in this game is like Bakkies Botha kicking for goal...... A complete joke.
03/03/16 04:51
guest_1444296190858 :

Just get rid of it, simple as that. Admin read ideas posts.... It's already been discussed. You are 2months late to the part and people have already quit the game because of the joke that is match bonus.

If your so angry about it, then why do you still play? I doubt it's healthy for you to be so upset at a online game!
It's also been here since day one and its a part of the game. It's not ideal, true, hence these discussions.

I just wonder if GVG was never introduced would this have been such an emotive subject? But it is here now, GVG, and the constant draws are diminishing the enjoyment for most players. There needs to be more to the game than just log in, set builds, set bonus, log out. Most people expressing an opinion on this are players who have tried to maximise their in game abilities, and the lack of any semblance of gratification "in game" is making people lose interest. MB may be the issue now, but there needs to more strings to the game.
03/03/16 19:33
Mij :

"guest_1444296190858" :

Just get rid of it, simple as that. Admin read ideas posts.... It's already been discussed. You are 2months late to the part and people have already quit the game because of the joke that is match bonus.

If your so angry about it, then why do you still play? I doubt it's healthy for you to be so upset at a online game!
It's also been here since day one and its a part of the game. It's not ideal, true, hence these discussions.

I just wonder if GVG was never introduced would this have been such an emotive subject? But it is here now, GVG, and the constant draws are diminishing the enjoyment for most players. There needs to be more to the game than just log in, set builds, set bonus, log out. Most people expressing an opinion on this are players who have tried to maximise their in game abilities, and the lack of any semblance of gratification "in game" is making people lose interest. MB may be the issue now, but there needs to more strings to the game.

04/03/16 02:06
if the big guy uses mb and beats smaller guy then all is good . your smaller get over it .. you need to spend more than big guy to win its the game . same as if big guy under spends and looses. why is there so much crying about fairness and smaller guy needs a chance too , boo hoo . I love gvg.. think best thing to happen to this game give mb to defending side and its perfect.. more than one way to skin a cat and theres more than one way to beat a guy bigger than you .. but are you willing to train for 2 hours and leave the door open to easy loss? that's the point of it .. find the time to play them if your small. and if your bigger being able to set a def for when your not online is a great challenge.. our guild would draw 2 out of 3 but we get points and fun defending.. we don't loose and have had some great defended games .. just like to see a ranking system for guild games.