I have a folder that I wanted to temporarily "de-activate" so in the Settings I set Down to "1" and First down Distance to "2". In theory I should almost never be in a 1st and 2 situation, yet the play selections from this folder seem to always appear on first down. At least I'm presuming the settings are a combination of selectors rather than an either or type situation. If not, then that's probably a much needed improvement.
Also the distance should really be ranges rather than specific numbers to make it clearer what is being chosen. For example 0-2, 3-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16+ rather than the current 2,5,10,15,20.
Also, the help instructions should use the phrase "line of scrimmage" instead of "starting line". This edit applies to Touchdown distance as well.
Also the distance should really be ranges rather than specific numbers to make it clearer what is being chosen. For example 0-2, 3-5, 6-10, 11-15, 16+ rather than the current 2,5,10,15,20.
Also, the help instructions should use the phrase "line of scrimmage" instead of "starting line". This edit applies to Touchdown distance as well.