Credits should be delivered immediately after your transaction. In rare cases you might have to wait for a few minutes before receiving your credits but if you still have not been delivered 1h after the transaction please contact our support team.
Note: this does not apply to sponsored offers (Sponsorpay, for example).
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 18/04/17 16:06
Please take great care when filling in a Sponsorpay offer. Indeed, your participation can be rejected by Sponsorpay if the submitted information appears to be false or incomplete.
Our team cannot validate Sponsorpay offers directly, please use the support form in the Sponsorpay interface.
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 03/07/19 20:12
We do not have any control over the rewards for watching videos, indeed, video providers decide if you followed the procedure correctly and if you should get the reward.
Therefore, we recommend that you watch the video completely and read all instructions during the procedure.
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 05/03/13 10:10
You can only use SMS/Text and Pay per call codes purchased through our payment interface. Never use any other codes.
Try the code a again few minutes later. If it still does not work, contact our support team and remember to indicate the code as well as the telephone number used to purchase the code.
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 28/02/13 11:50
You can only watch a video every 30min.
Video providers have variable stock and can also choose which user can watch videos or not. Therefore, we have no control over the rate at which videos are delivered.
Furthermore, if you try to cheat, watch too many videos or don't follow the procedure properly, video providers can stop delivering videos to your account.
Да ли је овај чланак користан?
Последње ажурирање: 05/03/13 10:07