It was Mad who started that topic with a respectful post.. Guy needs to chill a bit. Karl, could you give him a W so that he can be #1 for a day? I'm sure he will be more relaxed then. Danke!
Just to make it clear lol. I really, really like Mad and the whole empire, I would say we are buddy's Mad is not the type of person who wants anything for free I think. He's working really hard and he is very successful so far. That's my opinion. BUT I will never give anyone a win except from my boys
I see Barney's upset haunted has fallen so far. Not much from the gridiron ghost of past. Buxx took ur mojo when he left. Would love to see u back to strength haunted. Just don't know if it'll happen. Awesome to see empire rising! Alot of us have been number one Barney. Now we play and teach. It's toxic attitudes like that that led to the downfall of this game. Just have fun win or lose. Encourage others not bring them down. The community in this game was too toxic to ever take off and that's what it is. Nowadays it's cool to see the fun good natured rivalries. Close games teach us all! Keep ballin empire. And haunted. I'll continue to hope ur ghosts don't fade.
haunted palace is #4 so I wouldn't say we have fallen very far at all....but the game does nothing for me any more and I have taught a few people along the way .
Well another GC down and I think Mad was wrong it will be far less then 4 seasons. We were 1 short of the tie this time. A little time to get a few teams up to speed and we got you. Good Win but we will get your aZZ.
Rally round the family with a pocket full of SHELLS Bullz on Parade
Well, maybe you noticed that we lost about 6 pretty high level teams in last couple of weeks because they quit playing or joined the Bar (to hunt the Pimps ;)) So we are in a rebuilding phase atm with younger but talented teams. Not a big surprise that the battles become closer.