Waspy Tigerالملف الشخصى

Sweet Nitro علی العابWaspy Tiger إلتقى ب

Latest threads started by Waspy Tiger

العناوین المشارکات عدد المشاهدات آخر ارسال
Vote on preferred changes by Waspy Tiger on 19/05/16 12:39. 42 62749 Here by Taff y Ddraig-Segur on 11/06/16 15:34.
Salary cap by Waspy Tiger on 15/03/16 23:35. 3 14715 Here by Drunk Dave on 18/03/16 19:16.
Man of match choices wrong by Waspy Tiger on 12/02/16 15:32. 2 14211 Here by PierrotLL on 15/02/16 12:33.
Ability to remove failed bids from the watching list by Waspy Tiger on 12/02/16 10:45. 0 13697 Here by Waspy Tiger on 12/02/16 10:45.
Guild forums by Waspy Tiger on 29/01/16 11:49. 2 15786 Here by Waspy Tiger on 29/01/16 14:49.
Guild challenge ameliorations by Waspy Tiger on 11/01/16 12:23. 0 14174 Here by Waspy Tiger on 11/01/16 12:23.
Retirement age change by Waspy Tiger on 11/01/16 12:09. 3 20004 Here by Waspy Tiger on 11/01/16 18:00.
Restarts by Waspy Tiger on 01/12/15 17:40. 3 20824 Here by Fleetlite Lions on 03/12/15 15:04.
App doesn't work with Android 6.0 by Waspy Tiger on 19/11/15 09:30. 0 14691 Here by Waspy Tiger on 19/11/15 09:30.

Latest threads replied by Waspy Tiger

العناوین المشارکات عدد المشاهدات آخر ارسال
Pourquoi le forum n'est il pas en Français? by ubb40 on 24/10/17 10:39. 1 14417 Here by Waspy Tiger on 24/10/17 11:28.
Game randomness by guest_1475661973053 on 11/10/17 12:19. 10 26835 Here by Stuart Welch on 13/10/17 11:43.
Waspy Tiger for President!!! by Dragon blade on 13/09/17 23:59. 35 27746 Here by Dragon blade on 17/09/17 14:18.
Level Jump by Gerry Brawley on 14/09/17 15:17. 10 19210 Here by DHSFP on 16/09/17 14:18.
Is the sale of players bordering on fraud? by Stuart Whitman on 13/09/17 00:37. 14 27168 Here by El's Dynamos on 14/09/17 21:56.
Level 25 by Blitz - Nova Family on 24/07/17 12:03. 32 45834 Here by Blitz - Nova Family on 03/10/17 12:40.
Yellow triangle by Guest PI39O on 10/09/17 21:57. 11 21057 Here by sukitansee on 17/09/17 12:03.
Add Loss and Draw Data to Guild Summary Page by One of the fallen le… on 05/09/17 10:49. 8 18706 Here by Black Monks on 11/09/17 18:41.
Patch 6.0 by Uloz on 14/03/17 23:24. 38 74899 Here by Nicolas BULOT on 22/05/19 12:00.
Tournoi by guest_1443363462593 on 25/10/15 18:50. 25 47582 Here by Pro Try on 23/08/17 18:27.
BMRS records are made to be broken by Black Monks on 14/08/17 18:36. 5 9906 Here by Caernarfon RFC on 18/08/17 13:05.
How opponent's guild strength is choosing? What parameter? by Angulorus on 14/08/17 15:57. 12 29843 Here by Black Monks on 14/09/17 22:26.
SOMEONE PLEASE EXPLAIN by Graham Hardy on 14/08/17 11:50. 17 30893 Here by Neil Purnell on 18/08/17 17:41.
Auto Assign Training by Brads XV on 14/04/16 10:22. 5 20295 Here by Black Monks on 15/08/17 14:41.
Fans by Guest D0SV0V on 06/08/17 12:35. 13 25375 Here by Black Monks on 16/08/17 01:18.
If Carlsberg Did Guilds by Seriousfun on 11/06/17 23:10. 10 26336 Here by One of the fallen le… on 18/10/17 23:34.
Foul in scrum by Iain Rees on 28/07/17 13:07. 7 18162 Here by Waspy Tiger on 08/08/17 01:36.
Cheating in map/ranking games by Bluemooners on 05/08/17 23:18. 38 40755 Here by Black Monks on 12/08/17 12:32.