Wolfenbüttel RFC :
No doubt I will get accused of being Caernarfon's alter ego again, or be "muted" by the Moderators for saying something that they don't agree with (irrespective to the fact that they are meant to remain impartial), but I find this 12 month ban a little unjustified. Someone started a thread about him, made some pretty unsavoury comments to which he objected to, it was resolved between the two of them, yet the guy who was on the receiving end of the comments gets a 12 month ban....??
You guys have either really taken a disliking to him and have just been looking for an excuse to ban him, or you genuinely are power tripping Nazi's.
Either way, it just reinforces my opinion that this is fast becoming a jolly boys forum and if you're not in one of the guilds that blatantly flout the unwritten rules of rugby, then the Moderators will take a disliking to you, edit or delete any posts that may put them or their pals in a bad light, or just ban people for voicing their opinion.
If I or anyone else were to say that the Moderators were the hepatitis of this game I'm sure it wouldn't be brushed under the carpet so easily, and that is by no means as offensive and life destroying as cancer.
I eagerly await the accusations that I am Caernarfon, and for my comments to be censored before this post is locked and therefor disappears of the radar.
Poor show, Carshalton.
Dealt with as appropriate.