Without further delay here it finally is the Cross Guild World Cup, you can find the WC database here:-
This event kicks off 21 Feb 17, you will find your fixtures on this link, we ask that for now you disregard the kick off time. As long as you play your game on the date stated we are all good.
Please read the "how it works" tab for info.
There are a few gound rules to this event:-
1, Play your games on the date stated or face a points deduction.
2, Try your upmost to ensure your opponent is online before playing, this can be achieved through "The Real Rugby Manager Banter Page"on the game arrangement threat (will be posted soon)
3, If your opponent isn't on we ask that no subs are made to ensure the upmost of fairness as "we" feel the home advantage should be more then enough to ensure you gain a win.
4, Once your game is played please post a screen shot(SS) of your result on the WC Results thread (this will be opened soon) on The Real Rugby Manager Banter Page, it is imperative this is done as we cant authenticate the results any other way, no SS no result.
5, Most of all please have fun and enjoy this event, there will be more to follow.
A special thanks to Titans for getting this database up and running, not bad for a wine drinker.
A few admin points:-
You can register your teams on this database and this will enable you to add info on your team along with player names and other great info, please feel free to register as this is how we will be moving registration for future events. If your not on The Real Rugby Manager Banter Page then please inform me on this thread.