17/02/18 14:04
Black Monks :

I want you to show me where I said that all niggle is God and should be done. You posited althat as a premise to your argument and therefore, in the rules of all debate, have the burden of proof. And have I insulted you? Yep. Have you earned it? Yep. Have you made yourself look like the black Knight with no arms and legs? Yep. Can I fix stupid? Nooe

Oh please call an adminstrator/moderator here.. please go for it... make him read your smart posts... please... do it!

Have I ever said that you said “all niggle is god and should be done?”.. Never. But as you have limited reading skills, you are confusing everything.
But I SAID, you re insulted me when I said that I respected the fact that people can think it s unfair to “niggle” (as they believe in sport values).
I also quoted you when you said you know everything... and you know the rules better than anybody else... and if you think that niggle isn’t cheating... then anybody else should think it s not cheating. (You claimed yourself the king of the world apparently).

But As a person who claim it s not cheating... and as you re the smartest person.. I simply gave you a scenario (yes, one day you will learn that in a debate, this is also something you do.. you explore scenarios and discuss the pros and cons..).
I asked you.. if you think it s not cheating, then what would happen if everybody was niggling? The game would become completely stupid...
But obviously, as you had no response to that question... you tried to avoid it by a sneaky way (or nuggling way.. )

But I assume your brain must still be processing this scenario, and starts to be confused... to the point that you re insulting me by claiming I said something which unfortunately for you I never did (go back in the conversation.. Mister “Brain”... show me where I quoted you saying “that all niggle is done and should be done”... tsss tsss tsss. I said that you believe it s not cheating.. and gave you a scenario where all people would do that...).

So little boy... You can’t fix stupid? For sure you can’t... it looks like you tried hard for years... And as you were not improving, you ve started to insult all other people..
A man without values is nothing and he needs to denigrate other people to feel his loneliness..
17/02/18 14:11
You gave me a strawman, now you are trying to reposition, another C.N. tactic. I have acknowledged what I have said and stood by it and clarified it to death, only the dense can't see it. Now roll over to your arms and legs ND start figuring out a way to reattach them to your body. Four legs good two legs bad
17/02/18 14:12
And I love your world 'I'm not asking for you to be banned' gets read in your brain as, 'hey mods, come ban this guy' clear sign that someone is reading things unwritten while refusing to read what is.
17/02/18 14:22
Lots of players disagree with MB in the game and many have repeatedly asked Sweet Nitro to remove it. But it is still in their game and using it is not cheating. This is not an opinion, it is a fact, and I does not mean that I like having it in the game.

It is perfectly possible to play rugby in the spirit that it is meant to be played in (including getting away with whatever you can on the field, then shaking hands and heading off with the oppo to the pub) and to play this app in a totally different manner. It is also perfectly acceptable to constantly push Sweet Nito to change things within the game that you don’t agree with.

I think some posts on this thread have confused playing this game with playing rugby in the real world. In exactly the same way that they have confused the meaning of the word “morale”.
17/02/18 14:25
Black Monks :

You gave me a strawman, now you are trying to reposition, another C.N. tactic. I have acknowledged what I have said and stood by it and clarified it to death, only the dense can't see it. Now roll over to your arms and legs ND start figuring out a way to reattach them to your body. Four legs good two legs bad

Apparently you must really watch C.N. to know what her tactics are.
Then let’s copy paste my post...

“You re just showing that you divide.. and you don’t even understand why I say that...
you don’t respect people... You are convinced you are right.. “it s niggle.. it s niggle.. if it goes against the rule it s cheating”

For us it s not niggle, for me it s cheating, because I play with Rugby’s morale rules... I don’t need to find all sneaky way to win a game.. and I will not cry if I loose a game... I even saw in another message in the forum, that one guild lost a GC because they couldn t challenge the last player to make a draw as 6 players from the other guild were doing friendlies on the “last player” to prevent the game... completely ridiculous.

So now... let s say that we all apply your niggle rules my friend Black Monk.. as you are the genius...
If everybody was playing according to your sneaky methods... ALL championship games would finish in a draw.. all tournaments would finish in a draw... and all GCs... what an exciting game then!

So, if this game still works, it s actually because many players play with Rugby morale’s rules... so the gamers can “niggle”..
Think about it.. or at least try to think..”

Then, please show me where I wrote that you said “that all niggle is God and should be done.”.
I said it s the niggling rules you re believing in.. (as you don’t think it s cheating)... and gave you the scenarios.

But as you have a bigger mouth than a brain... it s easier for you to respond by an insult rather than think and come back with a structured and logical answer. But at this stage of the discussion, let’s be honest, nobody is expecting it from you anymore.

Finally, if you think that I care if you get banned or not.. you re not worth my time to think about such things..
17/02/18 14:30
We are the Hutchie :

Lots of players disagree with MB in the game and many have repeatedly asked Sweet Nitro to remove it. But it is still in their game and using it is not cheating. This is not an opinion, it is a fact, and I does not mean that like having it in the game.

It is perfectly possible to play rugby in the spirit that it is meant to be played in (including getting away with whatever you can on the field, then shaking hands and heading off with the oppo to the pub) and to play this app in a totally different manner. It is also perfectly acceptable to constantly push Sweet Nito to change things within the game that you don’t agree with.

I think some posts on this thread have confused playing this game with playing rugby in the real world. In exactly the same way that they have confused the meaning of the word “morale”.

MB is one thing. what about match fixing? Agreeing on a draw before playing a game?
Does it really match the rugby spirit? Honestly?

Nobody is confusing playing rugby here with playing rugby in the real world. It s about playing rugby here with the rugby spirit (even if there are some unrealistic aspects.. it s a game...).
But I would personally disagree that match fixing is part of the rugby spirit. But happy to debate and understand somebody’e else point of you
17/02/18 14:33
Now I'm going to be honest, your above post looks like Charlie browns teacher talking bwawawawa, some I'm assuming you are repeating what you have said. If so you have an argument with a premise that you report comes from me that I say does not come from me. Since it is your premise you have the burden of proof. Support your premise with a quote from me or realize this is a strawman as I suggest. So prove it is my statement from my quote or we all know it's a strawman. And also, read what Hutchie has to say, it may further burst your bubble and harm your moral(e).
17/02/18 14:34
I agree match fixing is outside the spirit, but still not cheating.
17/02/18 14:35
There is a lot of niggle in the real game that is within the spirit and a lot of niggle that is outside the spirit, but it's all very much part of the game. If it wasn't part of the game we would need 0 sirs.
17/02/18 14:40
To clarify the difference between niggle and cheating I think you can dissect some of the French national teams tactics with hia, with front row injuries that were obviously planned and a few other tactics. When a person is required to possibly have a head injury to enter hia protocol by rule, they suffer an obvious knee injury, is it cheating to say they are going into the hia process? Yes, it is breaking a written rule. When a prop has an injury that allows a player to return to the game because the laws dictate that it must be done that way it is niggle but still against the spirit of the game. When a person has to return because of a legit injury and all rules are followed then that is a rule working. In the second option it is the governing body's responsibility to create rules that make it cheating, but until those rules are made it is not cheating, it just goes against the spirit of the game. Now you have moved the goalposts multiple times during this thread, any more movement needed?