Profile of Christopher Victor Smits

Meet Christopher Victor Smits on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by Christopher Victor Smits

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The game is fixed. by Christopher Victor S… on 15/06/16 19:09. 3 14491 Here by BB international lio… on 16/06/16 00:10.
how do I pick the players for the match by guest_1454967883812 on 14/02/16 16:17. 6 14380 Here by Ciren RFC... on 18/04/17 20:55.

Latest threads replied by Christopher Victor Smits

Topics Posts Views Last Post
The game is fixed. by Christopher Victor S… on 15/06/16 19:09. 3 14491 Here by BB international lio… on 16/06/16 00:10.
how do I pick the players for the match by guest_1454967883812 on 14/02/16 16:17. 6 14380 Here by Ciren RFC... on 18/04/17 20:55.