Mic's Mob :
And let’s list it.
Guild destruction
Spying on guilds
Refunds fraud
RF glitches.
Match fixing
Personal attacks. Not just me.
Names changes that gets teams banned .
And let’s list it.
Guild destruction
Spying on guilds
Refunds fraud
RF glitches.
Match fixing
Personal attacks. Not just me.
Names changes that gets teams banned .
These are all things you do and have done.
1) Destruction of guilds. You played a central role in the destruction of Marvel in order to try and poach their players. We actually stepped in and tried to help them - ask Jim, Cyrile and anyone in the know in Marvel. You recently reached out to La Cagnannaise to offer to help and team up with them to destroy any friendship that was forming between Omega and Damage. I have the screenshots of the conversation (and yes I can read French and have the full context. It paints you in a 100% vindictive light). Following this some of their number actually hacked into one of the Omega guy's account - so you are complicit in this by association. You have also actively tried to pull players from every other top guild in the game without a thought for whether it would break them up.
2) Spying. You are absolutely everywhere in contact with guilds spying on them and constantly trying to poach their players. It's how you built Valhalla. You actually did it to us - you planted yourself in the guild and then left when you realised you couldn't be a tinpot dictator and have full control and tried to steal as many players as possible in the process. This, after I suggested you be made leader too. Fuck, I had the wool pulled fully over my eyes, dodged a huge bullet there.
3) Refunds. About 4 or so guilds got bans and even at least one member of La Cagnannaise did it and didn't get caught. You were one of the minority in Damage (less than a third of the main guild and basically none of the other guilds) that did refunds and got banned for it.
6) RP "Glitch". You have teams in your guild that have done the RP glitch. No different in the slightest to Damage, they joined ex post facto - unless, of course, you did it yourself and are keeping quiet - would not be out of character at all.
7) You also have a team in your guild that was involved in deliberately hacking another account and selling off players, spending gold and transferring the RP. Nice.
8) Match fixing. You have match fixed - again 100% your choice - others in Damage have never done it.
9) Bots. This is hilarious because I know you use Bots - you were taught how to do it in Marvel.
10) Personal attacks. I mean where to start? You've called me a fucking prick to one of my teammates in a private message and how I was going to see how fucking evil you can get. Meh. But there must be dozens of other examples I have heard of and more I haven't. I don't think there is another player on the game that lashes out at people as much as you Mic. Not even sniper.
11) Name changes. Okay Hel's Kraken.
You are basically the biggest hypocrite in the game Mic, possibly the biggest I've ever met in real life. You paint a rosey picture of yourself in public and do all this shit behind the scenes. Every single thing you say is propaganda and you accuse everyone else of what you, yourself are doing. Honestly you are a disgrace and how people keep falling for your line is totally baffling cos your true colours always come out in the end.