Makes top level a sham.
Good to see this old chestnut bought back to life!

Top level - 0%
Top level minus 1 - 1%
Top level minus 2 - 2% etc
Welsh Wizzards :

Good to see this old chestnut bought back to life!

Top level - 0%
Top level minus 1 - 1%
Top level minus 2 - 2% etc

Welsh Wizzards :

Good to see this old chestnut bought back to life!

Top level - 0%
Top level minus 1 - 1%
Top level minus 2 - 2% etc

Great idea wizz that would work!

Remove it!!!
I wasn't in favour of the MB but now I actually see why people use and I would like it to stay in the game because tell me how someone who doesn't spend on the game can compete with those who does?. Like say if came up against a 255 rated player I might as well just put my loosing strat on and let myself be beaten 60-0 but MB it' gives everyone a chance regardless of quality of the teams but if we took that way a lot of the lesser players I don't think would play the game because all you'd end up with is packplayers constantly topping the leagues when in reality if your buying the packs your buying em for one reason because you know tactically your not that great and personally i'd prefer skill over buying a win but as we already have stupid unlimited amount of packplayers in one team which is like cheating your way to win no I actually favour MB.
Ashley Longthorn :

I wasn't in favour of the MB but now I actually see why people use and I would like it to stay in the game because tell me how someone who doesn't spend on the game can compete with those who does?. Like say if came up against a 255 rated player I might as well just put my loosing strat on and let myself be beaten 60-0 but MB it' gives everyone a chance regardless of quality of the teams but if we took that way a lot of the lesser players I don't think would play the game because all you'd end up with is packplayers constantly topping the leagues when in reality if your buying the packs your buying em for one reason because you know tactically your not that great and personally i'd prefer skill over buying a win but as we already have stupid unlimited amount of packplayers in one team which is like cheating your way to win no I actually favour MB.

I get your point but I would counter with reason. If someone is willing to pay cash to play doesn't that also give them gold balls and higher rated players both? Dont the gold balls allow them to develop their city faster and thus have higher daily income? And doesn't higher daily income make MB more likely to be used and to be used each championship max? Also making it more likely, wouldn't a person using real cash to better their team likely be willing to use fake cash as well? If these are true we can conclude cash players are as likely to use mb or likely more apt to use mb. And this fact magnifies the advantage since a 190* player becomes a 209* player and a 260* player becomes a 284* player. So mb benefits cash even more
Ashley Longthorn :

I wasn't in favour of the MB but now I actually see why people use and I would like it to stay in the game because tell me how someone who doesn't spend on the game can compete with those who does?. Like say if came up against a 255 rated player I might as well just put my loosing strat on and let myself be beaten 60-0 but MB it' gives everyone a chance regardless of quality of the teams but if we took that way a lot of the lesser players I don't think would play the game because all you'd end up with is packplayers constantly topping the leagues when in reality if your buying the packs your buying em for one reason because you know tactically your not that great and personally i'd prefer skill over buying a win but as we already have stupid unlimited amount of packplayers in one team which is like cheating your way to win no I actually favour MB.

Also, assuming that pack players don't have skill is a poor assumption. There are plenty of these players who would dominate skill vs skill. Plenty of people buy pack players because they are done with playing the market of the ah after 18 months of obsessing in it. So I could spend 30 hours in ah to get a profit of 180k RP or I could spend 10 bucks which takes me 10 minutes to earn
Ashley Longthorn :

I wasn't in favour of the MB but now I actually see why people use and I would like it to stay in the game because tell me how someone who doesn't spend on the game can compete with those who does?. Like say if came up against a 255 rated player I might as well just put my loosing strat on and let myself be beaten 60-0 but MB it' gives everyone a chance regardless of quality of the teams but if we took that way a lot of the lesser players I don't think would play the game because all you'd end up with is packplayers constantly topping the leagues when in reality if your buying the packs your buying em for one reason because you know tactically your not that great and personally i'd prefer skill over buying a win but as we already have stupid unlimited amount of packplayers in one team which is like cheating your way to win no I actually favour MB.

I defend a lot of coiners on a regular basis in training games when I'm offline & most sub, and I haven't spent a cent!

I also don't have one player over 200 stars

i'm the sames as hawkes never spent a penny and also don't have 1 player over 200 I have a few that are close but not quite hitting that mark yet and yes see your point didn't see it from that point of view tbh