Your ranking System is comical

New ranking system!

Win a training match to take the place of your opponent in the leaderboard!
Training matches are now limited to 5 matches per day (so choose your opponents wisely)
Match bonus is not applied to training matches
Increased fan rewards.

Copied right from your news on the game screen. SO PLEASE TELL ME HOW PEOPLE ARE PLAYING MORE THAN 5 MAP GAMES. Again you want to know why we are all pissed and not spending any more money on this game.
I know this sounds daft Dave and paul, but I do have a suggestion for you both and your members sell a few of your top rated players to decrease your team rating trust me people will pay silly rp just because they are so highly rated and then buy a few replacements at a lower rated let a few overtake you on the game and then at least you'll have a map game or two to play. I know you'll say why would I want to decrease my rating?, and I completely get that but maybe by letting others catch you up you'll have more on your map and it may be more of a game for you rather than just run riot every game cos you have maxed out the stats on all your players.

So following that logic, can we petition to the Olympic committee to have Usain Bolt run the 100 meter while carrying a midget in a backpack?

OR how about this ! HOW about the #2 guy at least have the option to play the #1 guy as that is not even a game on the map or the #3 guy play the #1 guy which is not an option either !! AND from what the Admin is saying in his ONLY 2 replies to this STUPID idea of a ranking system it is suppose to be set up that way which it is not !! THE top 6 or 7 guys should all be on the same map....!! THIS whole idea is stupid and was not well thought out much like your comment !!!
Paul W. Sear :

OR how about this ! HOW about the #2 guy at least have the option to play the #1 guy as that is not even a game on the map or the #3 guy play the #1 guy which is not an option either !! AND from what the Admin is saying in his ONLY 2 replies to this STUPID idea of a ranking system it is suppose to be set up that way which it is not !! THE top 6 or 7 guys should all be on the same map....!! THIS whole idea is stupid and was not well thought out much like your comment !!!

What a pleasant guy you are...
Here's a novel idea. Instead of acting like a bunch of spoiled brats complaining and throwing threats around and being on the offensive, raise your concerns in a mature polite manner, however difficult it may be for you, so the bugs can be resolved. Its a brand new concept which will have bugs that need to be addressed so let them know and give them time to be addressed.
But he has a point Doghouse. If the number 2 team doesn't even have the number 1 team on their map to challenge them, there is a problem.

Anyone outside the top 10, go look at your maps, not every player between your present rank and the lowest ranked team you can challenge are available for you to target. As of this post, I am at 51, and can challenge 50,49, and 47 but the 48th team isn't on my board. Now it is impractical to have 20 teams show up on your map and I certainly would not want to have to climb out of the +200's in batches of 5 ranks at a time. But I think the slight randomness of the map generator to give us peasants the chance to jump a reasonable amount of ranks is causing issues for those that only have 4 potential matches to even play.
Hey paul, I know where your coming from and I agree with what you was saying about number 2 should be able to play number 1. I know it's also rubbing a few people up the wrong way in our guild so it's not just your guild but instead of complaining on here cos lets face it our words are wasted lets unite here cos the last thing that the developers will want is for the best two guilds on the game to quit playing so I suggest we bombard the developers with tickets and if we don't get what we want we set a date and everyone quits together whats your take?
Guest CQK3DM :

But he has a point Doghouse. If the number 2 team doesn't even have the number 1 team on their map to challenge them, there is a problem.

Anyone outside the top 10, go look at your maps, not every player between your present rank and the lowest ranked team you can challenge are available for you to target. As of this post, I am at 51, and can challenge 50,49, and 47 but the 48th team isn't on my board. Now it is impractical to have 20 teams show up on your map and I certainly would not want to have to climb out of the +200's in batches of 5 ranks at a time. But I think the slight randomness of the map generator to give us peasants the chance to jump a reasonable amount of ranks is causing issues for those that only have 4 potential matches to even play.

I understand the frustration but it doesn't mean or justify the fact that he is taking it out on other players who voice their opinion and try to give advice or help. It is really uncalled for and plain rude!
Doghouse.... What Paul is saying is that they've literally taken away any purpose in playing the game. Some of us have a lot of time invested and a few quite a bit on money invested into a game that basically came to an abrupt hault. You're not allowed to play anybody on the map, you lose valuable game cash, and the one position available to advance to (#1) isn't even allowed.

The admins here ignore peoples requests to improve the game, and have for months. They've promised updates that will actually make the game more interesting with guild wars. Unfortunately they either don't know how, or don't want to invest their time to make valuable improvements. Instead, they cut the head off the snake, and we're just supposed to sit here and not do a damn thing other than train stats. This is extremely BORING and not worth 10% of the money I've given the game. If this is all they're going to do, then give me my money back, delete my account, and I'll move on to another game that actually works with the people that invest income into their game. That is the purpose of making online games (making money). As it stands, they won't see another dollar of mine until they do something that adds value to the game.