Kruising to Victory

A superb team effort by your guild in beating us. We've lost our proud unbeaten record after over 400 gvgs and if it was going to go, we are glad it's gone to yourselves. You've made massive strides as a guild to become one of the best in the game.
Top effort, well done.
On a side note, the developers come in for a lot of stick on the forum so to give credit where it's due, the new gvg matchmaking setup seems fantastic in matching top guilds with other top guilds etc.
I wasn't in this gc. But if I was you would have won it quicker. Well done KtV.
Congratulations to KtV, many of us have tried and failed (actually all of us up until now). As you stated BM, the record of Webb Ellis is (still) something to be rightfully proud of and grace in defeat is another.
I’d like to echo Bluemooners words. Huge congratulations to KtV, and well played.
We are the Hutchie :

Congratulations to KtV, many of us have tried and failed (actually all of us up until now). As you stated BM, the record of Webb Ellis is (still) something to be rightfully proud of and grace in defeat is another.

Thank you.
That was the best GVG I have ever seen.
It had everything, im sorry i didnt get chance to play a second game but couldnt risk playing Ravens twice as i regard him as one of the best in the game.
We may of ended the run but its still the most impressive guild record on the game.
Credit to Quins, he has one hell of a set up there.
Best of luck in the future.
Until we meet again,
That was the best GVG we have ever had. Thank you for giving us a hard game, it really put our guild to the test. Hope to see you again soon.
Best of luck
Hull fc Mel
Glad to hear you guys are getting some good competitive action at the top. I'd be interested to hear how wide the matching algorithm goes and whether you wind up playing each other every few Guild challenges. I guess that's a wait and see, but in the meantime it's very nice to see people getting good matchups out of the new system and treating their opponents with respect and courtesy.