Hey PIMPS high and low

That wasn't the reason for the question Ron.
Ron Swanson :

str3ifenkarl :

Ron what's the name of your team? Guild?

I am Al Bundy's Brawlers in The Valley Of Unrest. Feel free to pound on me as long as you are going to give me pointers.

I think I won't
Hi true Wizards, I've had my fair share on run ins with teams from the Pimps & their guild, looking back on things I wish I had handled things a bit better, the only advice I can offer you or anyone else is that any team or guild can & will play who & how they want to, if it gets to you, try to remember it's just a game & nobody is being hurt, plus don't get mad get even, keep the fire burning & use it to get to the top & prove yourself, all the best for on your journey.

Greybeard Griffins
HEY Greybeard Griffins, Thanks A LOT on your wise words. You are truely a respectable man. I honestly humbled that you came out and give me some meaningful directions. See in real life i am a pretty old fart and won´t be captured too much in the game. Right now I sit back laughin, the big boys can play me as often as they like. Won´t hurt me - as you said - it is a game.
I did not tell a wrong word (some miss spellin) and just wanted to let the rest of the world know how I was introduced to the BIG PIMPS. In my humble opinion CLASS is different. But hey this is how they work and how they went to Nr. 1. Tell ya I was more than surprised and honored that the #1 Map guy played me. I will keep on workin, better my craft - we will see where that takes me. Do you know the sayin- you do not poke a scorpio LOL.

once again THANKS GG

all the best true Wizzards

PS I am not a totally dumb german - I know my Wizzards are spelled incorecct.
Send twice deleted second
All the best Wizzards, I'll look forward to watching your journey, never heard that saying before! Haha, enjoy the game brother, leave the drama behind & keep progressing.

Best wishes Griff.
Yes yes..... we have no "class". We are also a dictatorship, run scared, and only play young teams. I think I've covered all the gripes and complaints. Oh ya, I also talk a lot of shit too for having a shitty team. Been told that too =)
I think you forgot to mention that we stink. At least me
Does an old Oak care if a wild hog rubs on it ??
This was my imagination from the pimps.
Some skin looks like pretty thin right now.
Yes the oak cares. The oak would rather have a hot naked lady rubbing on him than a Pig.