Scrums of Anarchy

Hello everyone , Scrums of Anarchy are needing anyones help they're at 18 members and want two more for GC's the guild is open so you can just hop in if you fancy it .Most of the teams are challenging 140 but rn I think they're just wanting to literally play challenges level doesn't matter . All that matters is you play consistently in challenges and are willing to send heals

Hope to see you soon

Ashley Longthorn :

Hello everyone , Scrums of Anarchy are needing anyones help they're at 18 members and want two more for GC's the guild is open so you can just hop in if you fancy it .Most of the teams are challenging 140 but rn I think they're just wanting to literally play challenges level doesn't matter . All that matters is you play consistently in challenges and are willing to send heals

Hope to see you soon


Why did you desert Black Venom after so long Longprongs? And their players go on a tour to poach huh?
Would love to help. But no one likes Clint
Ashley. The destroyer of guilds.
Ashley. The destroyer of guilds.
I was offered a merger with SAO and I took it . I didn't dessert or abandon either side as I had communication with both guilds . The guys in venom was kept in the loop hence nobody left even when it didn't work out.Every guild does poaching cos theres not many teams without a guild in the game . Even your own guild has done it with players like I'm only here for the beer has definately been in more than 1 guild.