Waspy Tiger :
James Harriss :
It would be better if a dev could trace the exchanges back and let us know exactly whats going on, rather than someone giving a frankly half ar*** story - lets have an explanation please
They're telling the truth.
Can't say I like it that much, but on the other hand, I really don't like the mentality that if someone outsmarts you, they must be cheating - they may just be smarter than you, so it makes sense not to make wild allegations if you don't know what you're talking about.
Thanks Waspy - it does wrangle with me when some faceless person publicly calls you a cheat without having the decency to make a polite enquiry to get the facts first. If he'd asked how I did it I would have happily shared my strategy that I have posted above.
Within the rules of the game this is the only way I know to move players between teams and within guilds. The recommendation has been made to the developers that this may be something they look at in the future - especially if they want guilds to develop and flourish - but until they do I suppose me - and a number of others - will have to be "cheats".