Since yesterday I have lost many fans as have many of my guild by losing in training games. 1000 a time at least. Yet when we actually win these unopposed and unannounced challenges we don't gain any fans!
I can't think of anything more unfair. Indeed our guild (in the top 10) has decided to stop playing training games to get rankings as this system stands as it suits you more to be lower ranked as you don't lose fans! So as we drop down the individual rankings we can maintain fan base as we're challenged less.
The developers have got this very wrong! Why try to grow your stadium when someone from 3 levels lower can wipe out what you've built up and you can't plan for it as you don't know whether to train your players.
I can't think of anything more unfair. Indeed our guild (in the top 10) has decided to stop playing training games to get rankings as this system stands as it suits you more to be lower ranked as you don't lose fans! So as we drop down the individual rankings we can maintain fan base as we're challenged less.
The developers have got this very wrong! Why try to grow your stadium when someone from 3 levels lower can wipe out what you've built up and you can't plan for it as you don't know whether to train your players.