Bank Lending Functionality

18/02/17 23:19
Now that "RP loans" are officially endorsed perhaps the developers could build some functionality into the Bank buildings to make this easier as many people want to get involved.
They could even perhaps set the "Bank of Dave" official lending rate. Only downside is apparently there is no benefit unless you accidentally forget the players you buy that you could not otherwise afford that improve your squad. Remember stay safe and don't accidentally transfer it to make the rich even richer.
19/02/17 00:41
This sounds like a great function, would there be a set period of time that this "loan" would be outstanding, what if couldnt afford to pay it back. Would you send "bank of dave" over to my place to cherry pick my players that said player couldnt afford?

If you do send "bank of dave" over to cherry pick my players, please dont forget to smile and say "Its nice to be nice" as you walk off into the sunset.

I am all for it, count me in!

19/02/17 01:25
I would like to put in my application for 250k rp, I am willing to pay 25% apr interest with a repayment period of 2 years
19/02/17 01:29
Black Monks :

I would like to put in my application for 250k rp, I am willing to pay 25% apr interest with a repayment period of 2 years

Intrest? your willing to pay INTREST, what the fook!

No one in there right mind would pay intrest on a loan dont you know! get with the times BM Sir!
19/02/17 02:34
You think I'm going to be around long enough to collect?
19/02/17 02:45
Black Monks :

You think I'm going to be around long enough to collect?

Who said you was collecting? maybe your being collected from! wide!
19/02/17 03:17
Right, who said I was going to be around long enough (insert the implied 'for you' here) to collect (or insert implied 'from me' here)?
19/02/17 08:26
This game thread will only end up in a dispute locked