Championship points calculated?

05/01/18 20:15
How are championship points calculated? I am in second place currently one point behind a player that has won all his games like me but he has an additional point, I thought it was on tries scored but I have scored more than him?
05/01/18 20:37
you get bonus point for scoring 4 tries in a match or for losing by less than 7, 4 points for win, 2 for a draw
05/01/18 20:40
Thanks and I understand that however have looked at the results and I have scored more tried in my games than the other player but he has one more point. It should be me ahead
05/01/18 20:45
go through each of their matches and calculate what they should be on, then do same for yourself, if you get different result to what game is showing put in a support ticket
05/01/18 22:08
Whats your game name and guild and we can have a look at what went wrong?