Bluemooners :
Was i unimpressed with Dreads for actively poaching our players, yes. Nothing i didn't say to the man himself via whatsapp. You're obsession with him was frankly boring after about 4 months. EVERY single day without fail you'd bring him up on chat. It was very weird.
As for your newfound obsession with me, i seen the screenshots from the W.E.B.B. chat before our teams were removed from it. Even named your team after me, Roidrage RFC. If that isn’t obsession I don’t know what is. The green eyed monster will get you nowhere fella. Very weird, very creepy.
A poisoned dwarf with a body and a knowledge of the game you could only dream of, fat boy. You mentioned after every defeat you were going to quit the game. But here you still are, lingering like a smelly fart after achieving nothing in the game. And if ever you do, it will be hand me down strats from someone else, because you haven't got a clue what you're doing. What is it you say? LOL
LOL LTThhhhL :
Im far from Obsessed with you dont flatter yourself, youve had a fair few things to say about DW yourself youre a 2 faced coward that gets shirty when you get called out, dont act like you arent either, and what basic gvg instructions cant i follow you posion dwarf! Making completely ridiculous claims yet again
Bluemooners :
Aaaah it's the Dreadlock Warrior obsessed Lestaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Tigers. Now obsessed with me. What a loser. You're definitely in the moron category. Can't even follow basic gvg instructions.
hhhhhatseL :
Awww bless here he is the the 8th dwarf known as roidy, have you found ya dummy yet pal? Its probably next to your nappies
Bluemooners :
Only morons or 8 year olds end sentences with ‘lol’, which category do you fall into?
hhhhhatseL :
Nob nose, nose nob :
Yeah, what's happened? I thought you guys were going well?
they were until someone spat their dummy out again lolYeah, what's happened? I thought you guys were going well?
Only morons or 8 year olds end sentences with ‘lol’, which category do you fall into?
Awww bless here he is the the 8th dwarf known as roidy, have you found ya dummy yet pal? Its probably next to your nappies
Aaaah it's the Dreadlock Warrior obsessed Lestaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Tigers. Now obsessed with me. What a loser. You're definitely in the moron category. Can't even follow basic gvg instructions.
Im far from Obsessed with you dont flatter yourself, youve had a fair few things to say about DW yourself youre a 2 faced coward that gets shirty when you get called out, dont act like you arent either, and what basic gvg instructions cant i follow you posion dwarf! Making completely ridiculous claims yet again
Was i unimpressed with Dreads for actively poaching our players, yes. Nothing i didn't say to the man himself via whatsapp. You're obsession with him was frankly boring after about 4 months. EVERY single day without fail you'd bring him up on chat. It was very weird.
As for your newfound obsession with me, i seen the screenshots from the W.E.B.B. chat before our teams were removed from it. Even named your team after me, Roidrage RFC. If that isn’t obsession I don’t know what is. The green eyed monster will get you nowhere fella. Very weird, very creepy.
A poisoned dwarf with a body and a knowledge of the game you could only dream of, fat boy. You mentioned after every defeat you were going to quit the game. But here you still are, lingering like a smelly fart after achieving nothing in the game. And if ever you do, it will be hand me down strats from someone else, because you haven't got a clue what you're doing. What is it you say? LOL
And dont forget all your comments you made about him which you havent and wont admit to, you know sod all about rugby havent a clue you should stick to football it suits your mentality pal, didnt you retire then come back? Bit of a hypocrite tbf and my new name came from a vote we had, a vote which consisted of a large number of players who cant stand you and say the same thing about you, so what if im not as good as alot of people on this game i started it for something fun to do as im a keen rugby fan and ex player, why do you play the game? Because you have nothing else in your sad little life nothing but trying to control people to make up for your little man syndrome. Shame we couldn't meet on the pitch you wouldnt be so cocky then but saying that as you have no clue about the game which you even admitted yourself you wouldnt even get picked nor know what to do with the ball! All you are is a sad little troll and should never come back but youre like an STD that wont go away... LoL