Profile of DHSFP

Meet DHSFP on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by DHSFP

Topics Posts Views Last Post
Is it really true? by DHSFP on 04/08/20 15:14. 16 23775 Here by Gregory K. Ishii on 17/08/20 03:29.
My View by DHSFP on 05/02/20 16:17. 16 32012 Here by Gregory K. Ishii on 09/06/20 13:23.
La Cagnannaise 600 défis. by DHSFP on 18/11/19 20:57. 8 23461 Here by guest_1444954828767 on 14/05/20 13:28.
Merci AsM by DHSFP on 17/10/19 00:20. 0 18403 Here by DHSFP on 17/10/19 00:20.
Merci La Cagnnanaise de tout à "Boots & Blood". by DHSFP on 29/09/19 19:36. 2 19411 Here by Stockholm Exiles on 30/09/19 13:19.
L'assos des Rapidos - Saddest Guild in the game! by DHSFP on 22/02/19 17:26. 13 29499 Here by Guest EBALNZ on 24/03/19 20:11.
New Patch 7.0 is a Mess by DHSFP on 27/08/18 17:08. 36 37241 Here by Rewa.Hard on 05/09/18 10:50.
Thank you MKD by DHSFP on 11/04/18 16:15. 4 12218 Here by We were the Hutchie on 11/04/18 17:24.
Thank you SA Rebellion Alpha by DHSFP on 09/04/18 12:45. 1 13869 Here by Marten Heres on 07/05/18 07:50.
Message for Massegat by DHSFP on 22/02/18 17:30. 1 17117 Here by MasseGat on 22/02/18 18:15.
Message for Club Twickenham by DHSFP on 11/02/18 13:19. 4 14315 Here by DHSFP on 25/05/18 18:53.
Message for "Tweet your bowww" by DHSFP on 31/01/18 23:54. 0 11470 Here by DHSFP on 31/01/18 23:54.
Merci CARAMELS OCCITANS 1 by DHSFP on 17/01/18 17:44. 0 13298 Here by DHSFP on 17/01/18 17:44.
Rugga Docs ganging up on me? by DHSFP on 12/01/18 11:22. 39 33370 Here by Bluemooners on 15/01/18 16:55.
Merci Les Potes @u Topes by DHSFP on 08/12/17 17:43. 19 38451 Here by Guest GD39DY on 10/02/18 07:05.
How many "Game Engines" are there? by DHSFP on 06/12/17 15:21. 7 18674 Here by DHSFP on 16/12/17 14:57.
To the Guild who most recently sent me an invite..... by DHSFP on 20/11/17 20:58. 2 14146 Here by AB 1977 on 25/11/17 00:23.
Message for Falkland Sound [ICDG] by DHSFP on 06/11/17 11:12. 72 45710 Here by AB 1977 on 29/11/17 22:51.

Latest threads replied by DHSFP

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Thanks to the League Cheats!! by Taffy's Dragons. on 28/07/24 10:33. 13 5260 Here by Guest 9289Z3 on 25/08/24 00:17.
Over and out gentlemen by Cougars (Dave) on 14/05/24 10:25. 11 6193 Here by Cougars (Dave) on 19/05/24 10:51.
Guild Challenges by ban on 08/05/24 10:50. 1 3378 Here by DHSFP on 12/05/24 17:13.
GC Championships by Taffy's Dragons. on 29/04/24 12:06. 9 4412 Here by I need new socks on 15/05/24 00:35.
Monotony by Guest 5Q1ERL on 22/04/24 00:04. 5 4134 Here by Bluemooners on 24/04/24 20:31.
Good bye by RCHyeres_83400 on 23/03/24 17:20. 17 7381 Here by RCHyeres_83400 on 04/09/24 16:05.
Happy Retirement Blitzkrieg by Rudolf Gerhard Stryd… on 28/02/24 09:15. 19 8467 Here by Blitzkrieg! on 18/03/24 16:45.
IRON GIANTS THANKS FOR ALL by Gus Guest GHO4X0 on 09/02/24 20:58. 4 4209 Here by DHSFP on 14/02/24 20:49.
Loser mentality from Cymru Uprising/Club Twickenham/Alpha Om... by Bluemooners on 15/11/23 15:00. 44 17612 Here by DHSFP on 07/02/24 07:27.
Who is best guild by Wayne Jooste on 12/02/22 17:05. 33 20136 Here by Guest CQQRHG on 25/07/23 14:48.
La Cag have given up in GVG by Simons Spud Slingers on 03/07/23 08:26. 54 21106 Here by Cougars (Dave) on 18/07/23 14:55.
Visa Player Costs by Simons Spud Slingers on 12/01/23 22:22. 8 9623 Here by SABAUDIA XV on 02/07/23 11:18.
Increase game time by Bluemooners on 07/05/23 21:01. 5 7533 Here by DHSFP on 18/05/23 15:18.
What does support do? by let op slang on 12/03/23 10:19. 57 25511 Here by Taffy's Dragons. on 21/03/24 13:25.
Translation error in the Spanish version (not innocuous!) by Warthogs on 07/03/23 04:07. 3 7407 Here by DHSFP on 14/03/23 17:59.
New Update by Simons Spud Slingers on 13/03/23 20:18. 7 8812 Here by Caernarfon RFC on 18/03/23 11:40.
Well that was an interesting morning... by Dunraven Castle on 14/09/22 12:19. 11 11925 Here by Bluemooners on 23/09/22 11:31.
Double changeover by I need new socks on 14/09/22 11:50. 12 12312 Here by Taffy's Dragons. on 15/09/22 21:51.
Academy Cymru by Taffy's Dragons. on 21/05/22 15:49. 8 12261 Here by Taffy's Dragons. on 22/05/24 12:21.
Who is the best? by Guest 1MR4WR on 27/06/19 09:26. 45 44810 Here by Cougars (Dave) on 16/11/22 08:07.