What is the point in having a forum if you don't listen to the people who play the game?

05/08/16 00:16
By this I mean everyone is complaining about the same thing premium packs for me they're way too much of an advantage, and not everyone appears to be able to see them. The formations don't bother me as such cos I believe that you should be able to play anyway you want any style it's part and parcel of all football sides in the world. I would like to see a patch for players that run backwards cos that's unrealistic and just doesn't happen in the modern game. Other than that it's not terrible but it could be better. The developers need to start listening to what it is that the people want and just one nationality by no means am I a racist but the Iranian guilds was never that powerful until premium packs came out which are not affordable to all and most importantly not everybody has the same opportunity to purchase them.