Profile of Karel Baas

Meet Karel Baas on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by Karel Baas

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So many substitutions in a game, why? by Karel Baas on 05/01/16 20:49. 2 12310 Here by Carshalton Colts on 08/01/16 13:04.
Best way to earn gold balls by Karel Baas on 19/12/15 13:00. 2 13691 Here by Ian_B33 on 19/12/15 18:31.
Declining quality by Karel Baas on 18/12/15 11:45. 4 18530 Here by Rewa.Hard on 20/12/15 01:45.
Extraordinary gentlemen by Karel Baas on 05/12/15 19:20. 0 12808 Here by Karel Baas on 05/12/15 19:20.
Ageing by Karel Baas on 27/10/15 11:25. 3 12147 Here by Ieuan Johns on 31/10/15 00:28.

Latest threads replied by Karel Baas

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100+% match bonus? by Forest Reds on 19/01/16 18:52. 7 18685 Here by Waspy Tiger on 07/02/16 17:47.
Scrums by Jaco Grove on 09/01/16 14:58. 3 11778 Here by Richard Nelson on 11/01/16 09:06.
So many substitutions in a game, why? by Karel Baas on 05/01/16 20:49. 2 12310 Here by Carshalton Colts on 08/01/16 13:04.
Guild wars uk by Bizzy72 on 12/12/15 13:53. 2 13447 Here by Karel Baas on 19/12/15 15:39.
Best way to earn gold balls by Karel Baas on 19/12/15 13:00. 2 13691 Here by Ian_B33 on 19/12/15 18:31.
Declining quality by Karel Baas on 18/12/15 11:45. 4 18530 Here by Rewa.Hard on 20/12/15 01:45.
Probably been said before but: An Academy by Ian_B33 on 09/12/15 09:38. 2 14113 Here by Karel Baas on 18/12/15 11:37.
Guild wars uk by Bizzy72 on 12/12/15 11:20. 1 12853 Here by Karel Baas on 12/12/15 13:42.
Extraordinary gentlemen by Karel Baas on 05/12/15 19:20. 0 12808 Here by Karel Baas on 05/12/15 19:20.
Is it better to train players (via training building) or to ... by guest_1441876195757 on 15/11/15 19:58. 5 15923 Here by PierrotLL on 26/11/15 15:26.
Energy speed by guest_1446634071956 on 07/11/15 06:15. 3 17454 Here by Richard Nelson on 21/11/15 00:22.
Open goal line and player kicks/passes by Random Citizen on 03/11/15 20:14. 3 14113 Here by Carshalton Colts on 08/11/15 17:16.
Ageing by Karel Baas on 27/10/15 11:25. 3 12147 Here by Ieuan Johns on 31/10/15 00:28.
New Guild Aplication List by Mr Incredible on 20/09/15 03:22. 25 35062 Here by Panda WP Badenhorst on 13/07/17 09:53.