Ok, we all know that for some reason, yet again, that there was an update during last season. The first was God awful where the fullback played like a Nancy and didn't want to tackle anyone. The second, which I think we can agree was a good addition. So please explain why and how people that finished 7th, 5th, 4th and 7th from one guild should get double promotions?! Why didn't those in 4th-6th get the same rewards? So, if I were FABulous, L'USAP (Vince), Norwich LIons RFC, Rugby Basque (retired), Fuck Sweet Nitro-aka Bagland (obviously he's pissed), and Bluemooners get a promotion too?! Why were these teams anguloru, Hull Mel, Bee's, King Coconut, and Princess Bubblehead ALL FROM DAMAGE INC get the promotion!? Please entertain me and explain this one. WRONG! On so many levels. You should be ashamed of this obvious fuck up!