Profile of Pack Attack

Meet Pack Attack on Sweet Nitro games

Latest threads started by Pack Attack

Topics Posts Views Last Post
To All My Brothers at the Bar by Pack Attack on 02/08/19 03:25. 0 17371 Here by Pack Attack on 02/08/19 03:25.
Of all the guilds I've been in... by Pack Attack on 11/05/19 00:29. 26 41495 Here by Jammin Giants on 12/07/19 05:35.
Defense\Special Teams by Pack Attack on 19/04/19 21:49. 3 19329 Here by Benny D McClosky on 20/04/19 19:31.
Helpful Honda not so helpful... by Pack Attack on 10/02/19 07:16. 3 19361 Here by Pack Attack on 12/02/19 06:47.
Game crashes by Pack Attack on 04/02/19 18:19. 7 16798 Here by Guest F1OSJR on 08/02/19 05:14.
Why call my play when the AI runs what it wants anyways? by Pack Attack on 04/02/19 09:50. 1 16299 Here by Randy Young on 04/02/19 15:44.
Red team blue team by Pack Attack on 03/02/19 02:36. 37 36949 Here by CRUSHED on 30/11/19 03:49.
Salary Cap by Pack Attack on 27/01/19 09:58. 3 9979 Here by Randy Young on 27/01/19 22:51.

Latest threads replied by Pack Attack

Topics Posts Views Last Post
To All My Brothers at the Bar by Pack Attack on 02/08/19 03:25. 0 17371 Here by Pack Attack on 02/08/19 03:25.
Of all the guilds I've been in... by Pack Attack on 11/05/19 00:29. 26 41495 Here by Jammin Giants on 12/07/19 05:35.
Defense\Special Teams by Pack Attack on 19/04/19 21:49. 3 19329 Here by Benny D McClosky on 20/04/19 19:31.
High Score Challenge - Springfield 49ers from The Bar editio... by Maddog 3030 (formerl… on 19/04/19 00:20. 27 41781 Here by Jammin Giants on 06/05/19 04:31.
What state has the most players? by Cowboys4Life on 16/04/19 14:27. 48 40665 Here by Guest 922Q37 on 03/05/19 00:32.
new response for a ticket by Benny D McClosky on 19/04/19 20:14. 2 14170 Here by Benny D McClosky on 20/04/19 15:57.
Deserters by Mark Bettis Sr on 12/04/19 02:54. 85 61061 Here by Da Cubs on 19/09/19 05:24.
I asked myself by G. Wunderkind on 23/03/19 19:45. 17 25820 Here by Randy Young on 11/04/19 02:52.
Shoutout to friends and foes. From Wu-Tang/Seaturkeys. by WuTang KillahBees on 10/04/19 04:05. 12 23975 Here by Pack Attack on 11/04/19 21:50.
2 things, LOL!! by Jason Riley on 20/02/19 09:35. 10 21026 Here by Pack Attack on 21/02/19 08:22.
THE BAR (3) by Thou Mayest on 16/02/19 01:47. 14 27337 Here by Randy Young on 21/02/19 11:29.
Helpful Honda not so helpful... by Pack Attack on 10/02/19 07:16. 3 19361 Here by Pack Attack on 12/02/19 06:47.
Game freezes by Kyle The Ohio State … on 09/02/19 01:15. 2 18820 Here by Pack Attack on 09/02/19 06:50.
Fix the gc ranking system by Randy Young on 08/02/19 14:40. 33 34520 Here by Randy Young on 16/02/19 22:15.
THE BAR (2) by Thou Mayest on 05/02/19 03:47. 14 27931 Here by Fighting Ducks on 13/02/19 06:55.
First installment of monthly game wide turneys by Guest F1OSJR on 04/02/19 04:23. 7 11164 Here by Pack Attack on 07/02/19 01:26.
48 hr hold for new guild members for GC's by Sam Tech 2.0 on 05/02/19 19:45. 1 15729 Here by Pack Attack on 05/02/19 20:42.
Game crashes by Pack Attack on 04/02/19 18:19. 7 16798 Here by Guest F1OSJR on 08/02/19 05:14.
Why call my play when the AI runs what it wants anyways? by Pack Attack on 04/02/19 09:50. 1 16299 Here by Randy Young on 04/02/19 15:44.
Red team blue team by Pack Attack on 03/02/19 02:36. 37 36949 Here by CRUSHED on 30/11/19 03:49.