Guest 8KX3W :
Andy here is why I disagree with your logic:
1) “People keep throwing the word fraud around but in actually its a payment dispute.”
It is not a payment dispute it is fraud or stealing. A payment dispute is if I make payment and don’t receive what I paid for or paid for something by mistake and now ask for a refund. They did this knowing full well what they were doing. The silent protest in my view was only an excuse and I think they were pulling the wool over your eyes. They were stealing and that is it. Many teams did it but Wales/Huw was in a leadership position and therefor he should be banned permanently. He was a moderator in the game!!!!! Not to long ago he was ranting on FB against allegations made by Phillip and called him crazy. He said that his reputation was beyond reproach (not his wording but mine) but now this?
2) “I think it's also important to remember that though some possibley received refunds for players one season, this didn't give them any advantage on the field, everyone plays with full teams of visas at the top and they were no different. Them doing this hasn't impacted on any other player in this game, just nitros bank account.”
This is also not the point, we all pay for visa players and I plan my season around one or two purchases per season. What they did was to buy lots of players and as a result get gold balls and players they could sell for rps. Now if they sold three 18y/o players each they would have +-1,2million rps and they are now competing against me that will have +-400k on a good day. They then use the gold balls to train their players (all the kicking wings that appeared all of the sudden since December) and build winning strats from these players. They are sitting with the recruiter points and pass the players from cheat to cheat to train and I (the honest player) can’t compete at the auction house because I am not willing to pay more than 250k for said players.
Then there is the match fixing moaning a groaning. La Cag never denied that they are fixing matches but all the guilds are doing it. The only way to eliminate this is to make it more difficult for the top level players to stay there. Maybe they should only allow the top six players to move one level higher and the top 5 from the second highest level, and top players from 3 levels down to be promoted 3 (they are doing it at the low levels… why not at the top?). This way you need to win more to stay top level and they will make it easier for the smaller guilds to get players in the top level and make the game more competitive.
1. I still disagree as I think the term fraud is too strong if a word to use over such small amounts. In my eyes as it wouldn't go to a criminal court of law then it is not criminal fraud. It would be dealt with in a small claims court and dealt with as a payment dispute, so I prefer that definition my self... But we're splitting hairs here for no real reason...
As for huw being a leader, he wasn't, he was rh for quite some time and he has never been a moderator.. Also he paid for every disputed claim and handed the team to another person whilst holding his hands up publicly and apologising.. The witch hunt on him needs to stop, the new guy in charge has nothing to do with his past actions...
2. I'm the same, although it's usually two per season, one at the start and one mid season when my price returns, I usually sell the second so I have spare rp. I think most do this at top level.. My point is you need 1-2 for your team, as you say yourself. If you buy more than that (to sell) then your price goes up and your visas for next season will still be at the inflated price.. Bearing in mind 4/5 refunds or refunds for more than roughly £60/70 equaled a permenant ban and only two have had these in damage.. then it makes no sense that these players who were not permenatly banned did three refunds in one season, they couldn't have if you think logically, or they would have been banned permanently as it would have surpassed the limit.. Maybe one per season over 1-3 seasons yes.. But that equates to 120 gb and maybe 400k rp, if your lucky, per season.. Not the kind of stuff that makes a large difference on the field. And it should be noted that for each refund they are banned for a season.. So as buying three in one season for sale has now been disproved let's consider one per season for three seasons with refund.. That equates to 360 gb, 1.2m rp and a three season ban.. Three seasons to catch up, 3-6 retirements and on top of that when you do you will have less than half the training points need to even approach top level again meaning they will have to purchase.. It seems fair to me...
As for training kick and chase players.. Cag do it. You know they do and know the methods used to achive it. Your saying its not possible without cheating but if your not cheating then it clearly is possible, don't you think?
I bought a guy last season, at the last minute, over bidding cagnan, that had 16 maxed stats, was 23 yrs and had a training rate of 150% but was 536*.. Clearly a cag kick and chase.. How many balls did that take?? I put 200 gb on him and got 36 tp.. 20,000+ I should think.
Something else that doesn't quite ring true with your statement is that you buy 1-2 players per season, depending on needs. If you buy 1-2 players per season, giving you 120-240 gb per season, some of which will need to spent on training.. then how, at 49 gb per name change do you change your name so excessively??
Lastly that idea at the end has some merit, shame it's not yours and was preposed by someone else on a different thread, but still its a fresh idea. It would stop some match fixing to an extent for sure. If you were used to being top level and five one below and another three two below joined your league for the first time at top level, you wouldn't need to fix, the results would be shocking. Who at two below top has 300 training points to spend to max players?.. I don't at top and am hard pushed when I go down one to get tp to get back to full train.. Dont get me wrong, whoever the guest that preposed it was on the right lines somewhere but not fully...
Personally I would like to see an end to match fixing entirely. you know I don't and have never, though I still see posts saying everyone does it.. I don't.. Never have.. Never will... I Hate it and think its the biggest killer in this game there ever has been. In the next day or two I will be asking all damage guilds to never participate in the practise again..
It would be nice and a massive step forward if cag could promise the same.. As the leading two guilds I feel we should set example on this.. Because let's face it, we are both that strong as guilds that you could have half your players not gain promo and still win gc's against all others except maybe us depending on numbers.. We had 10 banned and still kill everyone.. Please let's call an end to this, its destroying the game..and the people it's destroying the game for are the people who have managed to get to top, in a bad guild, with no help... These are the future recruits or nemisis but they give up... Is this the legacy either one of our guilds wants? Or do we keep going untill it's literally just us and people in our feeders in a bitter battle? I would personally prefer more good guilds to be around, like the old days not less..
It would be Awsome if cag could make the same commitment and I think the first real step in improving the game without the help of nitro that are clearly don't give a flying f..
What do you say?