Profil Hawkes Bay Magpies

Sweet Nitro Oyunlarından Hawkes Bay Magpies Tanesi İle Tanıştın

En son konu Hawkes Bay Magpies tarafından başlatılmıştır

Topic Mesaj Izle Son Mesaj
One game against team mates tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 12/11/18 08:22 tarihinde. 9 12761 Here tarafindan Wales_RM on 24/11/18 16:01 tarihinde.
300+ Gvg wins tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/08/18 13:46 tarihinde. 1 17107 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/08/18 13:49 tarihinde.
300+GVG Wins tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/08/18 10:43 tarihinde. 2 11723 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/08/18 02:16 tarihinde.
MB not decreasing under 10% tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 31/07/17 11:01 tarihinde. 14 27321 Here tarafindan Pro Try on 12/08/17 02:01 tarihinde.
Editing players names tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/06/17 03:46 tarihinde. 10 18360 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/06/17 05:57 tarihinde.
The Real Rugby Manager Banter Page ( Social Group) tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 08/01/17 02:36 tarihinde. 15 22805 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 13/01/17 23:11 tarihinde.
Hiding player settings, no subs in training games,auto subs tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/12/16 03:50 tarihinde. 3 17593 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 12/08/17 22:21 tarihinde.
Inhouse tournament tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 02/10/16 23:50 tarihinde. 17 30514 Here tarafindan Ashley Longthorn on 16/08/17 00:37 tarihinde.
MB wins tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 31/07/16 06:47 tarihinde. 9 16586 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 03/09/16 03:12 tarihinde.
Count away wins in gvg tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 01/07/16 23:31 tarihinde. 5 15078 Here tarafindan Your Mums Sister on 09/07/16 21:49 tarihinde.
Players retirement age increase tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/06/16 23:26 tarihinde. 0 13337 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/06/16 23:26 tarihinde.
Guild Ranking System by GVG wins tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 20/06/16 08:17 tarihinde. 15 25633 Here tarafindan Caernarfon RFC on 21/07/16 14:00 tarihinde.
Confirmation button for auto applying Training points tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 28/03/16 00:16 tarihinde. 4 14335 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 01/04/16 12:28 tarihinde.
Increasing GVG teams from 1 to 2 tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 27/03/16 07:21 tarihinde. 1 14793 Here tarafindan Crusaders 2nd XV on 27/03/16 14:19 tarihinde.
Come on ADMIN , just remove MB from GVG ,Stop ignoring us !! tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 16/02/16 21:21 tarihinde. 3 14416 Here tarafindan Backwell on 19/02/16 07:48 tarihinde.
ALL IN FAVOUR OF REMOVING MB SIGN HERE!! tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 20/01/16 11:19 tarihinde. 344 194432 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 21/10/18 00:24 tarihinde.
Two teams per guild tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 16/12/15 08:06 tarihinde. 0 13435 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 16/12/15 08:06 tarihinde.
Point scoring for G vs G tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 11/12/15 12:49 tarihinde. 36 43168 Here tarafindan Rewa.Hard on 20/12/15 22:18 tarihinde.
Match Bonus tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/11/15 10:30 tarihinde. 1 14403 Here tarafindan Richard Nelson on 25/11/15 04:42 tarihinde.
Upgrading Training tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 22/11/15 22:49 tarihinde. 1 15110 Here tarafindan PierrotLL on 24/11/15 11:58 tarihinde.

En son cevap Hawkes Bay Magpies tarafından verilmiştir

Topic Mesaj Izle Son Mesaj
Why the change of championship hours tarafindan I need new socks on 14/02/19 19:10 tarihinde. 17 27931 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 21/02/19 11:37 tarihinde.
One game against team mates tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 12/11/18 08:22 tarihinde. 9 12761 Here tarafindan Wales_RM on 24/11/18 16:01 tarihinde.
ALL IN FAVOUR OF BRINGING MB BACK, SIGN HERE :D tarafindan Balderdash Titans on 03/10/18 17:15 tarihinde. 15 24725 Here tarafindan Gregory K. Ishii on 13/11/18 11:23 tarihinde.
Blank out other player settings tarafindan Guest CQQRHG on 30/09/18 16:03 tarihinde. 4 16535 Here tarafindan hooligan™ on 12/10/18 05:18 tarihinde.
300+ Gvg wins tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/08/18 13:46 tarihinde. 1 17107 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/08/18 13:49 tarihinde.
300+GVG Wins tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/08/18 10:43 tarihinde. 2 11723 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/08/18 02:16 tarihinde.
Fans tarafindan Guest D0SV0V on 06/08/17 12:35 tarihinde. 13 25349 Here tarafindan Black Monks on 16/08/17 01:18 tarihinde.
Cheating in map/ranking games tarafindan Bluemooners on 05/08/17 23:18 tarihinde. 38 40722 Here tarafindan Black Monks on 12/08/17 12:32 tarihinde.
A gvg match-up to prove what a joke the ranking system is tarafindan Bluemooners on 21/07/17 19:48 tarihinde. 45 47369 Here tarafindan sukitansee on 11/08/17 07:51 tarihinde.
Please fix this RUBBISH!!!!!! tarafindan Graham Hardy on 17/07/16 13:41 tarihinde. 34 36054 Here tarafindan 1/2p on 09/03/18 17:28 tarihinde.
MB not decreasing under 10% tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 31/07/17 11:01 tarihinde. 14 27321 Here tarafindan Pro Try on 12/08/17 02:01 tarihinde.
Teams lost after latest maintainace break tarafindan Damaged Orange on 03/07/17 07:28 tarihinde. 9 18704 Here tarafindan Bluemooners on 06/08/17 10:43 tarihinde.
Editing players names tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/06/17 03:46 tarihinde. 10 18360 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 25/06/17 05:57 tarihinde.
The Real Rugby Manager Banter Page ( Social Group) tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 08/01/17 02:36 tarihinde. 15 22805 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 13/01/17 23:11 tarihinde.
Open conspiracies, not even trying to hide it anymore, yet s... tarafindan Bluemooners on 05/01/17 12:38 tarihinde. 48 55025 Here tarafindan Colstons on 06/01/17 12:55 tarihinde.
Hiding player settings, no subs in training games,auto subs tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 24/12/16 03:50 tarihinde. 3 17593 Here tarafindan Hawkes Bay Magpies on 12/08/17 22:21 tarihinde.
Patch 5.3 tarafindan PierrotLL on 19/12/16 14:13 tarihinde. 101 97962 Here tarafindan An1malz on 31/01/17 11:08 tarihinde.
Give us your ideas for the creation of a training center tarafindan Darksly on 13/10/16 20:06 tarihinde. 70 100667 Here tarafindan sukitansee on 13/07/22 13:08 tarihinde.