Bluemooners :
Sotoneitor 20 - Ruddies 34. Damage Inc and Spuitpoep again. Literally NO shame. Trying to mask their match fixing now and go under the radar by ajusting scorelines. BAN THEM, only way to stop it.
Not that it makes a rat's ass of difference to anyone or anything, but for the record, Sotoneitor did not throw that game. I spoke to him. He was switching strats and changed to losing strat by mistake instead of the one next to it. It happens often - happened to me in a Guild Challenge once last season too.
Look fellas, I am on board with what you're fighting for here. One of our guys at Damage Inc. missed out on promotion last season because of match fixing in his league, and it also cost me a promotion at top level about 5 seasons ago when I was still active at top level with Phalanx. It sucks. It sucks that teams who deserve to go through don't, and teams who don't deserve to go through do. Case in point: Phalanx is revived but back at level 75 now. I beat a level 79 in the guild challenge recently (no MB
). Now how on earth did that level 79 manage promotion to top level??? Doesn't seem right.
Unfortunately though, there are some ugly realities in this game that we will never be able to get around. Guild mates will help each other in champs. Friends will manipulate and bump the price of players for sale in the auction house. Players will transfer RP to each other (which also helps their guild mates in the championship). Guilds block out guild challenges with friendlies (look where that got us). There are gentlemen's agreements all over the place where players don't overbid each other on auction house players and gear. There's more, some of it not exactly common knowledge, but you get the point.
The game is not always fair. There are some brilliant players in the game who have never been mentioned in any of your "Top 5 players" threads, because they've not taken their credit card out once but have to do battle against teams with 30 x 18 year visa bought players in their squad. Is that fair? I don't think it is, but its just the reality. Players who are some of the best tacticians this game will ever see, will never go down in any RM hall of fame or be remembered because they didn't throw money at the game.
Basically, then, we can either sit here and complain like a group of sour and grumpy old farts, or we can accept that match fixing and other ugly things in the game will not go away and decide to try and rise above it. As Sotoneitor said in our guild chat, the only way to beat the match fixers is to win your games.