Its been said that Taff is a mythical creature that even the Harry Potter franchise couldn't afford to include in their films, but not even he - with his mystical powers - can be online playing friendlies 24 hours a day. His intake of alcohol would be seriously affected if he did and that just wouldn't be acceptable to the owners of The Three Broomsticks, Hogs Head or The Leaky Cauldron.
Have you thought - just for a second - that you maybe online at the same time and the reason he does so well is that he plays lots of friendlies to improve his strategy and hence his position? Good god how incredulous is that thought?
At this time of the year, where it is the season of goodwill to all men (even you), please consider all options before jumping to conclusions otherwise just change your name to Bluemoaners - because if the sorting cap fits, wear it!