Hi all,
Sorry for disturbing you with my wee tiny little problems but I do not seem to be getting the messages from SubliNet/Rugby Manager about all the changes to come in this game :
- I did not receive the message when the training changed from 3% every half an hour to 10% every 2 hours
- I did not receive the message when all the friendly matches could not be played one after another and you had to wait 10 min (I did not get the one either to say that this was cancelled for friendlies inside the same Guild)
- I did not receive the message when my players one afternoon moved to 730 stars in the middle of a GVG Challenge that we almost lost because our opponents used it to their advantage to beat our big guys
- I did not receive the message to tell me that the Championship match had been moved 8 hours later than usual, nor the one that told me it is back to what it had been for more than 3 years…
- my friends did not receive the message to warn them : you will move from level 32 to level 45 championship, start sparing some points for your players + improve your buildings, you will soon be in the big bath
- I did not receive the message to tell me to stack up heal kits as there would be no more possibility of training or healing my players for free with the 5 daily kits from FB friends
- I did not receive the message to inform me to hurry up purchasing from the Equipment shop, as from now on, exit the bargains, we will have a set price of x million per item or golden balls for buying or refreshing the list
- last and not least, I did not get the message of apologies about all this mess (changing back and forth the hours of the game, the rule about the friendlies…) nor the compensation for the inconvenience caused by some employee’s kid who obviously messed everything up on the main computer… just to see
I know it can only be a mistake from my side, no decent company would bring in so many changes to a game without a warning or 2 about what is coming next, just to be fair... especially to their most loyal and faithfull customers who by spending, invest into the perinity of the game. No company would turn an interesting game into something as silly as « I have the biggest golden balls, therefore I win »…
This would be awful to think that these customers, feeling betrayed by such a sery of sudden changes, could move to greener pastures, like good cash-cows they are considered to be …
No, nobody would sell you a car, deliver you a bike, and tell you this is it … new product list !